Anatawa Hitorijanai

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        ~Normal POV~

     I lost track of how long we had been driving; I felt empty. I leaned against the dash while Todd continued to drive the Tank. He was probably bringing us to the puppy daycare we had built for him when we repo'd his RV.

     "How could you do that?" Leo scolded Raph who was at the back of the tank with the other three turtles. "How could you just drive away and leave them there?"

     "It's what Dad told us to do," Raph shouted back. "If we'd stayed, we would have gotten crushed by Shredder," he turned back to look at his brothers. "As long as there are Hamato, there is a chance."

     "A chance to do what?" Mikey asked his eldest brother.

     "I don't know," Raph's fists clenched. "I didn't get to ask him that. Don't worry. I'm the big brother, the one who is the biggest. It's on me to figure out how to stop the Shredder," I could see the anxiety leaking through Raph's brave mask.

     "How?" Donnie put his hands on his hips. "We've got no weapons, no lair, no sensei," he listed. Raph raised his hand and took a breath to say something back, only for Mikey's voice to cut him off.

     "And no Gram-Gram," the box turtle took a shaky breath and I stood and walked over to the boys. I glanced between the Turtles, seeing the solemn looks on their faces. I rubbed the back of Mikey's shell comfortingly as he sniffled, trying his best not to break.

     "I know what'll turn that frown upside down," Todd spoke up and I peered over my shoulder at him. "Lemon--"

     "Do not say 'lemonade,'" Leo kept his voice steady as he and his twin glared at Todd through their tears.

     "Okay," the capybara said and shrugged, turning his eyes back to the road. Raph sighed, catching our attention once more.

     "All right, I got this," he tried to look determined. "All we need is a plan. One simple plan: that'll save Dad, save Draxum, stop Shredder, find April, and prevent the destruction of all of humanity."

     "Yeah, that should be easy," Mikey said sarcastically and I held back the urge to elbow him. The snapping turtle let out another sigh to calm his nerves.

     "Okay," he glared past us and out the window of the Tank. "I need someplace where I can concentrate, a sanctuary free of all distractions to focus on the dire task at hand."

     "Welcome to the puppiest place on Earth," Todd showed off the large home filled with puppies running about. Mikey seemed the happiest to be here, the cuddly animals distracting him from the sadness that had overtaken him earlier.

     I snorted at the large dog that had leaped on Donnie and kept the soft-shelled turtle pinned on the ground. He looked unamused at the animal, but his expression softened when he had seen my reaction. Despite the circumstances, the sunset looked beautiful in the distance. I used the hover shell to help myself on top of a new RV that sat in the clearing.

     I sighed as my legs dangled over the side of the vehicle. These poor kids could never catch a break, well, they weren't kids anymore, but the worst a person should go through this age is worrying about how they're gonna pay their student loans and college debt. These guys had the weight of the world on their shoulders.

     "That's it!" I perked up at Raph's words, sliding to the opposite side of the RV so I could look down at the Turtles. "Our family's ancient ninja art that allows you to harness some crazy mystic energy."

     "But we need weapons for that, he said correctly, and his family all agreed," Donnie said while leaning on the wooden picnic table in front of him.

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