Many Unhappy Returns

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        ~Normal POV~

     I stood beside the Turtles, looking at the Foot that praised the newly risen killing machine. "Stand strong!" Splinter demanded us and we prepared ourselves to fight the metal beast. "The Shredder will show no mercy," pink lightning continued to crackle around the beast, making me feel even more uneasy.

     A purple portal opened and a familiar female voice shouted for the Foot soldiers as the woman ran out. "Senseis! My fury is unbridled and ready for--" her excitement paused when she noticed the towering beast. "You resurrected Shredder without me?"

     By the time the portal closed, Draxum was no longer in sight, he must have taken it as a method of escape. Hell, I would too if some crazy powerful armor took my strength away. Shredder took a step forward and I bit my lip, trying not to cower away.

     "I wanna say I feel prepared, but my chattering teeth won't let me," Donnie said and I swallowed my own fear for him. I put on a brave smile and placed a hand over his, giving him a nod that said 'we got this.'

     As the Shredder began to creep closer to us, the Foot members cheered 'shred!' catching the beast's attention. He spun around, chasing the Foot around instead of trying to attack us. Their chanting shifted to 'don't shred' as they ran away from the armor.

     It pinned the recruit to the ground, slamming the brute and the lieutenant on the ground as if it were the hulk. "Such blind rage," Splinter commented on the scene quietly. "And going after his own. That makes no sense."

     "Thanks for doing the dirty work for us!" Leo shouted out and I felt Donnie hold me back to stop from strangling his twin. "Big ups, Shreddy!"

     "Not now, Blue!" Splinter scolded his son.

     "What?" Leo shrugged like he didn't do anything. "I thought a nickname might give us a nice rapport," he scratched the back of his head, ignoring his father's glare.

     I tensed as three of the turtles jumped into action, immediately being thrown back as the Shredder swiped at them. "Back off!" April shouted as she clutched her baseball bat. "You don't scare me. . . much," she tried to keep her fear under control while I checked on the boys. Leo jumped in front of April and Splinter, pointing the sword dangerously at the beast.

     It let out animalistic growls as it charged at them. We need to get out of here, there's no way we can beat this guy. Shredder jumped into the air, phasing through Leo in a small storm of electricity.

     "Everyone all right?" I asked nervously as I pulled Mikey to his feet, inspecting him for injuries like I had his older brothers. I got short nods and hums in response.

     "So. . . that was unexpected," the Foot lieutenant said awkwardly when the fight didn't go as they planned.

     "You have doomed all of humanity," Splinter pointed an accusing finger at the Foot members. They stared back, not impressed by the accusations.

     "Have we?" the brute asked, raising a brow in confusion. "No, seriously, tell me. This has all been very confusing."

     "We must find out what went wrong," the lieutenant ignored the brute, easily forming a new portal. "Back to the Foot Shack!" the three members jumped through and the portal vanished.

     "Hey!" Raph shouted after them, but it didn't stop the trio. We began to walk out of the stadium, rather exhausted by the night's events. Had Donnie not been as tired as me, I might have even asked for a piggyback from him.

     "Okay, what just happened there?" April was the one to break the silence. Everyone seemed lost in their own world while we walked under the stands. "I thought Shredder was an evil samurai dude, not some raging animal!"

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