Bonus Chapter 5: A Lead?

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        ~The Turtles~

     Leo shot up at the sound of his phone going off, hoping it was their missing friend letting him know they were okay. His hand quickly grabbed the phone and peered at the bright screen. "Bone man?" his eyes focused on the message.

     The message was along the lines of 'Someone came in to ask what Y/n's go-to pizza was and ordered that.' That was enough to make Leo shoot out of bed and wake up his brothers, not caring to even check the time. 

     "So, Hueso has seen the person that might know where Y/n is?" Mikey asked with a hopeful voice. Leo gave a curt nod in response.

     "The bad news is, they were wearing a mask," Mikey deflated a bit at Leo's statement. "But, if he was caught on the cams in the Hidden City, maybe Donnie can track him back to wherever Y/n is being held?" he hated how that word rolled off his tongue. The thought of his friend being held against their will wasn't a pleasant one.

     "Donnie?" Raph spoke up, catching the younger twin's attention. He was struggling to focus on the conversation around him. When he had bad episodes with his insomnia, Y/n was by his side, but they weren't this time. They weren't there to say he would be all right, to make him a cup of coffee the way he liked it; he felt hollow.

     There was a hand placed on the soft-shelled turtle's shoulder to snap him out of his thoughts. "We need your genius, Donnie," Raph told his younger brother softly. Without speaking, Donnie stood, walking up to his lab to search through the cameras in the Hidden City. There weren't nearly as many as the topside, making it more difficult to track the masked figure.

     There he was, entering Big Mama's hotel. They had been there, there was no sign of Y/n there. Do be sure to check out Big Mama's Battle Nexus sometime! The yokai's call haunted him from the week before. Surely she hadn't given away Y/n's position so carelessly, right? Big Mama just wanted to make more money. Her current champion was Shadow Fiend, he was certain of that.

     How long ago was this feed? Donnie's eyes darted to a time stamp. This was twenty minutes ago, if they hurried, they could confront Big Mama. Donnie stumbled to his feet, sprinting to the mouth of the sewer drain where his brothers were already waiting for him.

     "He-- he worked for Big Mama!" Donnie managed to stammer out. "She has them!" tears burned the purple-clad turtle's eyes, but he didn't know if they were angry tears, relieved or scared. What would Big Mama be doing with them in the Battle Nexus?

     In the blink of an eye, Leo opened a portal and they entered it and stood outside the hotel. They didn't care to greet the bellboy, storming into the elevator to operate it themselves. The yokai shouted at them as the doors shut and the boys shot up to the spider's office.

     "Turtley-boos!" the yokai greeted the boys, sitting in her cloaked form. Her eye twitched in irritation at the sight of the four. "Big Mama rather likes to get a warning before company," she neatly put some contracts away in her desk before folding her hands over them.

     "Enough games!" Donnie was the one who spoke, his voice was rough and he was already clutching his Tech-Bo. His brows were furrowed and his eyes narrowed, pure rage that would normally be hidden behind a mask that was completely shattered. "We know you have them! One of your goons bought their pizza!"

     "Who says Big Mama isn't trying to help find your flizzy-friend?" she tilted her head politely, feigning confusion. "It's always scary when a little one goes missing," her voice seemed mocking, no matter how hard she wanted to hide it.

     "Tsuchigumo?" Raph read a page off of Big Mama's wall. It was the rankings for the Battle Nexus, the name had made it halfway across the board, inching ever closer to the quarter-finals position.

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