Mrs. Cuddles

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        ~Normal POV~

     We were lounging in the living room waiting for some show April had been on to air. "Congrats on the acting job, April," Raph praised his friend. "I'm so happy for you, I could punch a rainbow."

     "It's just a tiny, basic cable show," she brushed it off, the grin on her face telling me there was something more to it.

     "Not so tiny," Splinter grumbled in his seat, gaining my attention. "It knocked 'Scorpion Treadmill' out of its time slot."

     "Say, how'd you like to sit in the front row, Raph," Leo's suggestion confirmed my suspicions that something was up. The larger turtle immediately agreed to the position. Raph eagerly sat almost directly in front of the screen, all of the boys behind him.

     "Hi, kids!" April's excited face popped up on the screen. "It's time for 'The Laughy Fun-Time Hour with Mrs. Cuddles'!" she jumped back to reveal a greyish-blue rabbit with rainbow ears. I glanced at Raph to notice he tensed up at the sight.

     "Let's be friends forever," the bunny spoke up in a rather annoying voice. Kids really watched stuff like this nowadays? Definitely not my kinda thing. Raph let out a small yelp before vaulting himself off Splinter's chair and cowering behind it.

     "Not Mrs. Cuddles!" he cried out, receiving quiet snickers from his brothers and April.

     "It's just as good as I thought it would be," Donnie commented with a smirk on his face.

     "Hey, you guys know I can't watch this," Raph hugged himself tighter.

     "Is my acting that bad?" April leaned down to his height, a grin still etched onto her features.

     "No, no, no," the boy shook his head furiously. "It ain't you, April, it's--"

     "Let's be friends forever," there was a close-up shot of the bunny, scaring Raph even more, accidentally ramming himself into the wall as he tried to escape its gaze.

     "Raph's fear flops make me laugh every time," Splinter chuckled.

     "What? You think I'm afraid of Mrs. Cuddles?" he stood over the group of young adults and his dad. "Uh, I'm just upset about something else, which I'll think of what that is later."

     "Be nice, guys," April spoke up and my eyes shifted to her. "You know, I bet a sandwich would make you feel better, Raph," she suggested and the boy sprinted out of the room as the giggling bunny made another appearance. I followed after the boy to try and calm him down.

     "Wish I had sandwiches for brothers," I listened to Raph rant as he grabbed ingredients for his food. I sat on the corner of the island as he spoke. "Be better than those jerks."

     "Well, let them know that this isn't a prank you're okay with. Raph, It's okay to be afraid of something," I suggested to him. "I get it's a whole sibling thing to do this kinda thing, but that doesn't mean they should torment you with it."

     "Okay, sure. I'm a little jumpy, all right? But afraid? Raph don't do afraid," he didn't even glance back at me, pulling open another cabinet, and a shriek escaped him. "It's in the lair!" I jumped at his volume as he scrambled back into the island I was on. I glanced up to see the plush rabbit hanging out of the cabinet on a spring.

     I patted the top of his head soothingly as his brothers and April popped out of wherever they were hiding and Donnie laughed at his brother's distress.

     "Oh, I'm enjoying this," I held back the urge to strangle the turtle that was in arm's reach as the red turtle tried to control his shaking.

      "The guys told me Mrs. Cuddles totally freaks you out, so I brought her over in a trunk for a sweet prank," April chuckled.

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