Late Fee

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        ~Normal POV~

     I glanced at my phone which told me it was 9 pm as we drove down an empty street, which was weird cause it wasn't that late. "I'm calling it down, boys," Leo leaned back in his seat. "This will be our easiest mission ever."

     "Yes! Dad said all we have to do is return this one Lou Jitsu DVD he rented for us back to the video store before midnight and he will give us all hugs," Raph cheered. Even Donnie seemed excited about a hug from his dad, even though he wasn't the biggest fan of contact.

      "I forget. What happens if we don't return the DVD before midnight?" Mikey stepped out, wearing his disguise from when Leo beat Ghostbear.

     "Then Splinter gets charged extra," Donnie peaked out the top of the Tank, in his own disguise as well. "It's called a. . . 'late fee,'" he made finger quotes.

     "Or was it zombie apocalypse?" Raph stood up behind Donnie. "I don't remember, but we can't afford either," he quickly brushed off his question as I raised a brow at him. "Now let's return this DVD so we can all go home and get hugs. Raph hopped out of the Tank, followed by Donnie, then me and Leo.

     "All right! Hugs!" the purple turtle called as he jumped out.

     "Ho-ho, yeah!" Leo hopped out and we followed Leo as he led us to the rental store. "Great call on the disguises, guys. They really help us blend in with all the people--" not a soul was in sight, not even another car in the parking lot aside from the Tank.

     "Okay, this is not normal," I glanced around the empty lot. "Where are all the people?" at my inquiry, the building exploded, a pair of arms wrapping around me to protect me. I glanced up to see Donnie shielding me from the blast, which was a bit of a surprise. "You have a thing for saving me, don't you D?" I offered him a smile as we met eyes, and I swore my heart skipped a beat. What was that?

     "Oh, shush," the purple ninja pushed my face down so we couldn't see each other. I let out a small chuckle as I pushed myself from the concrete, all of us covered in dirt and debris as we made our way to the Tank to drive to the harbor. We got on a ferry, making our way to the next rental store to return the DVD at.

     "That didn't go well," Leo said quietly as we leaned against the back of the boat. "but on the upside, we get to ride the ferry to another DVD store!"

     "So we didn't see all the 'warning: demolition' signs," Raph defended himself as everyone gave him a small glare. "No biggie."

     "Yeah," I glanced back at Mikey who was leaning against a pole that had a sign taped to it and I cringed as I read it. "And my horoscope didn't say anything about reading signs, so--"

     "Uh, Mikey?" I pointed to the page on the pillar he leaned on.

     "Oh! Wet paint?" he cried as he pulled away, the back of his white vest having a streak of red. "My horoscope betrayed me. We're cursed!" the orange turtle flopped down dramatically. "We'll never return our DVD before midnight!"

     "Easy, Michael. Easy," Donnie slid beside his younger brother, patting his shell comfortingly. "Back in ancient times, early 2002, there were boxes, or 'kiosks,'" Donnie pulled up a picture on his tech gauntlet of the machine as the boys leaned over to look at it. "where you could rent and/or return DVDs, and I just plotted every one in New York to the Tank's GPS, you're welcome, so as soon as we dock--" he snapped finger guns at his brothers.

     "We can finish our mission and go get Splinter's warm and fuzzy hugs?" three of the boys sat cross-legged, while me and Leo squatted beside them.

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