Mind Meld

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        ~Normal POV~

     Donnie had gotten a tip for something on his computer in his lab and came out to bring it up to his brothers, one of which I was watching play Hot Soup: The Game. Mikey was comfortably lounging on the beanbag chair with me while he wore the onesie I had bought for him. 

     "You sure you want to go on a mission with us?" Donnie pulled me aside before we got a chance to leave the lair, his brothers were busy getting ready to go so it was the perfect chance for him.

     "I'll be okay, Don, unless you decide to either throw me off a building or shove me through the window that leads to a giant spider's cave," I nudged him with a smile. I wasn't going to let him know the tremors my hands got at random intervals after my fall, whether it was from an injury or just fear of going out on missions with them. I hadn't even let April know what was happening, she was so wrapped up in her classes.

     I lagged behind Donnie who had the goggles pulled over his eyes as he peered over the ledge of the building. "This is Purple Knight. Is everyone in position?" Donnie pressed a button on his tech gauntlet as he spoke up.

     "Red King is set," Raph's confirmation came through first.

     "Mikey is in position," the orange turtle added next.

     "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Leo put a pause on the operation. "Why does Mikey get to use his real name as his code name?" Donnie sighed at his brother.

     "He doesn't. Orange Pawn, please use your--"

     "What? Why am I the pawn?" Mikey cut his brother off.

     "I'm changing my code name too," Leo argued with his younger twin. "Uh, Blue-- Bluey. No, Blue, uh--"

     "No, no, no one is changing their code names," I glanced at Donnie as he flailed his arms in the air in aggravation. "Please, everybody, just pay attention," Donnie took a deep breath to calm himself to keep from snapping at his brothers. "We are dealing with the Purple Dragons, evil villainous hackers. Now, they have the Dragon's tooth."

     "Uh, double checking-- it is a real dragon's tooth, right?" Mikey asked for clarification.

     "No, no, it is not, because dragons, nor their teeth, are real," I could already sense Donnie's frustration building back up. "What it is, is a piece of technology so powerful that if it falls into their hands, we could be looking at something apocalyptic. That is why everyone needs to be ready. The Purple Dragons are serious and--" Raph's scream cut off Donnie's rant. "Red King, report. Are you okay? I repeat. Are you okay?"

     "Not really," Raph spoke in a hushed tone. "There's a pigeon with pizza in its mouth. It's a pizza pigeon! I gotta get it for my social, bro."

     "Pizza pigeon?" Leo repeated with an excited chuckle. "Awesome."

     "We're gonna be Internet famous," I could hear the grin in Mikey's voice. "You gotta get that picture, Raph."

     "I'm trying," the eldest brother groaned in frustration.

     "Guys?" Donnie tried to redirect their attention to the mission, immediately being shushed by Raph.

     "I'm taking the picture," the red ninja whispered.

     "You're terrible at pictures. I'm coming over," Leo informed his brother.

     "And there it is," Donnie said flatly as if he knew this would happen, and I don't doubt that he did. "As usual, looks like we gotta handle this ourselves. Cyber Bishop, plan B," he instructed the newly completed Shelldon 2.0. He had been in beta for a couple of weeks, and this was our first actual field test of Donnie and I's tech.

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