Insane in the Mama Train

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        ~Normal POV~

     It was late and I was climbing down into the sewer, April texted me that the boys were late for a very important mission, so I decided to check if they left. I dropped off the last couple of rungs, seeing Donnie trapped under Raph.

     "What the hell are you boys still doing here?" I shouted and they looked at me in worry. 

     "Getting ready to train for Friday night's Foot mission," Raph told me.

     "It is Friday night, the mission is right now!" I told them and they tensed up. Raph walked over to a teddy bear holding a calendar.

     "Wait-- don't touch that!" Leo shouted a moment too late and Raph was launched into a wall. A small device fell on his head blinking rapidly.

     "Splinter's gonna kill you guys," I flopped down in defeat. "I knew I should have reminded you sooner," a few moments passed as the boys hid behind a wrecked couch and a pile of feathers.

     "But. . . but-- the mission," Splinter looked at his sons, glossed-over eyes from his moment of fear that they had died.

     "See. . . what had happened was. . ." Mikey tried to reason with his dad, but he could form a sentence.

     "Enough!" he shouted, rage clear in his eyes. "Do you know-- how can you. . . I. . . I. . . I am just. . . very disappointed," Splinter looked down, his anger dissipating and his shoulders slumped.

     I gave Splinter a solemn look, as the boys looked down in shame. "Splints, where's April?" I squatted down to the rat's level as I quietly asked him. If the boys knew, they would immediately try to go with me. Splinter murmured the location back and I nodded. 

     I grabbed my cloaking mask from Donnie's lab before I left the lair, making my way to the underground location. From what Donnie taught me about it, I can change it to become anything I want so I could blend in. Dropping onto the roof of a building that was opened, I noticed a bunch of defeated Foot members. I peeled the outfit off of the member, quickly changed into it, and dropped into the air ducts, searching for April.

     I barely caught up with the dark-skinned girl as she was lifting a box and I spotted another one and picked it up as well, joining the line of Foot members and standing right behind her. We were marching to a train station single file. The line halted as the train pulled in, my eyes darting to the side as I spotted Big Mama and Baron Draxum talking, they were too far for me to hear them.

     "This doesn't really count as dangerous, right?" April asked herself, and I bumped her in the back, her eyes glared back.

     "Yeah, dipshit, I would say this is dangerous. Big Mama is over there," I whispered to her and my eyes narrowed as she stared at me.

     "Y/n?" she asked with a quiet gasp and I shushed her.

     "Just a couple of besties doing dumb shit together," I smiled under my mask. "If you die, we both die, right?"

     "Hey!" the Foot recruit suddenly appeared before April's face. "You're holding up the line!" me and April immediately hurried to the train before we attracted any more suspicion.

        ~The Turtles~

     It was decided, the boys were ready to accept their destiny. They all lined up outside Splinter's door, ready to apologize sincerely.

     "Dad, we're sorry," Raph spoke for all of them as they kept their heads down as they were on their knees bowing to him. "Not like our normal sorry. Like for real sorry this time. Will you let us make it up to you?"

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