Shell in a Cell

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        ~Normal POV~

     The five of us sat on the jumbotron in the middle of the arena, Raph and Leo were insistent on us coming to watch the wrestling match going on below us because Raph was a huge fan of "Ghostbear."

     "Ooh, nasty team-up," the commentator added as one of the men got thrown out of the ring. "But the last one in the ring wins the championship! Who will it be, fans?" the crowd screamed as she narrated the match. "The undefeated Ghostbear, or the invincible Annihilation?"

     I leaned against the pole connecting the machine to the ceiling watching Raph and Leo roll around on it as they wrestled each other. Donnie and Mikey were sitting on the edge, watching the match down below. "Go, Ghostbear! He's the greatest ever," Raph ripped off his shirt that read "199-0" and under it was another tee that read "200-0." "He's gonna win number 200 tonight," the red ninja stood with a proud grin on his face, hands resting on his hips.

     Leo jumped onto his brother's shoulders, locking his hands under his chin and pulling him backward. "Buddy, come on. You know wrestling is bogus," he stopped his tugging and leaned forward to see his brother's face. "They always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear," the blue ninja spat on his hands and I cringed back a bit. "I call this one the Three Star Hurricane," he began smacking Raph on his face. "You think Ghostbear could match these moves?"

     "Oh, here we go," Donnie glanced back at the scene, Mikey doing the same.

     "Every time."

     "You take that back, Leo!" Raph ordered as his younger brother blew a raspberry in his face. "No one beats Ghostbear," the two flew to the side as they proceeded to their own wrestling match, giving me a clear view of the two younger brothers and the pizza box between them. Mikey gladly grabbed the last slice and shoved it into his mouth.

     "Whoa-- ah," Donnie stared at his brother in disgust and disbelief. "Oh, you know what? That's fine, you have it. I'll have the next last piece of pizza," the purple ninja turned away from his brother.

     "Thanks, D!" Mikey sent his brother a grateful grin.

     "You know, Donnie," I moved from my spot and to his other side, keeping my space so I wouldn't be in his personal bubble. "Pizza has tomatoes in it, I'm surprised you haven't vowed that off, too, like you did with ketchup," his glare moved from his brother to me and I shrugged under his gaze. "Just sayin', D," I glanced down to the fight below us.

     "Ghostbear is the last man in the ring," the announcer spoke up, holding the wrist of the wrestler beside her. "And when I raise his arm, he will officially be 200-0!" the crowd went wild as she slowly lifted his arm.

     "Ha, told you, Leo!" Raph cheered and I turned to see him holding the younger boy over his head who wore an unamused expression.

     "Whatever. Ghostbear's just a chump in a costume," he stretched in his brother's hold, who in turn, threw him and he flipped over and landed between Donnie and Mikey. "I could beat him. I could beat any of them," he said cockily as he missed his landing, plummeting to the arena below us.

     "Leo!" Raph ran forward, pushing Donnie and Mikey's heads away to watch his brother fall.

     "Avenge me!" he called dramatically, his voice fading the further he fell. He landed harshly, forming a hole in the ground as he did. The announcer pulled him up, holding his wrist limply as the boy stood frozen.

     "People are gonna see him!" I shot up anxiously, beginning to pace as his brothers stared down. Donnie was the first to look away, patting on his thighs, starting to get up as well.

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