E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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        ~Normal POV~

     My eyes opened slowly, trying to adjust to the burning light in my eyes. My body was aching and the ceiling above my head was slowly spinning. I tried to force myself to sit up but was quickly stopped by the purple-clad turtle.

     "You need rest, Y/n," Donnie gently pushed me to lay back down, earning a small glare from me. "If you over-exert yourself, it'll be harder for your body to heal itself."

     'Everyone okay?' I signed, less clearly than I would have liked. The soft-shelled turtle stared with a questioning gaze before he realized what I had tried to ask.

     "We're a little roughed up, but in good enough shape," he said, sitting at the foot of the bed in the med bay. "I'm having Shelldon keep an eye on you, for now, to make sure you don't try to get out of bed," Donnie informed me, swiping something on his tech gauntlet.

     I gave him a confused expression as he stood back up, heading for the curtain that protected the med bay from the rest of the lair. "I have to get back to everyone, I walked out in the middle of a discussion to check up on you," he admitted. I watched him take in a deep breath before walking back over to me and placing a kiss on my forehead. "Don't push yourself, love," the use of a pet name made my heart flutter. "Get some rest," he left the med bay, and moments later, Shelldon came flying in so I wouldn't be alone.

        ~The Turtles~

     Donnie walked back in in the middle of a conversation between the family. They were all strewn about the living room, discussing a plan of how to get rid of the Shredder.

     "Insert Raph's plan here!" his older twin spoke up and everyone looked at the snapping turtle. The red-clad ninja watched with wide eyes as the attention was drawn to him. He had always made plans, but they were for much smaller missions, nothing like taking down a raging beast that they barely got away from unscathed.

     "Honestly, I don't know," the turtle's eyes darted to stare at the ground. "We already hit him with everything we got, so. . . insert Dad's plan here!" Raph quickly shot the pressure onto his dad.

     "I got nothing," Splinter didn't hesitate to speak up, crossing his arms. Everyone's brows creased in concern at the words.

     "But Papa, you were trained from birth to protect the world from the Shredder," Donnie butted in, the stethoscope still draped around his neck from checking up on his partner. "Surely your mind must be filled with answers."

     "Unfortunately, I filled it with a lot of other stuff, too," Splinter shot back, brows furrowing as he grew upset with himself. "Why did I not listen to Grandpa Sho's painfully boring lessons on the secret of defeating Shredder?" he flopped over in self-pity.

     "If you were there when he spoke, then the answer is buried somewhere in your memories," Draxum spoke up, leg bouncing in thought and a finger scratching at his chin, his opposite hand's fingers drumming along the mystic orb.

     "Yes, but that would mean sending my sons to the most horrifying, hideous place they have ever been," the rat mutant began, the Turtles watching curiously.

     "Jersey?" Leo laughed at his own joke while Splinter's brows furrowed with a deep frown.

     "No, my memories," he shot back, earning horrified screams from his sons. On the request for a larger space, the boys led the Baron to the skatepark, watching as he drew different shapes and symbols. The sheep yokai instructed the boys to sit in the larger outer circles while Splinter sat in the middle.

     In front of Draxum were a medium-sized circle and two smaller ones on the outer ring. "You will be transported into the rat's brain," he told the Turtles, placing an hourglass in the slightly bigger circle. "Once inside, you will use the Sands of Time to move deeper into his memories."

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