Aladdin's Mother Appears

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A long silence unfolded...

The only sound was your breathing and the gentle panting of yours and Judal's shoes...

You were kinda bored with that silence... So you tried hard to think of something...

Well you didn't had enough time to figure it out because....

"We are here, (name)-oneesan."

...Aladdin pulled you out of your little day-dreaming!

"Wow! Aladdin-kun's house is really big!"

It was really big... His family should be rich or something...

Judal on the other hand wasn't excited at all...

"I am gonna stay here!"

...said Judal as he put Aladdin down...

"Why?" (you)

"Just because!"

"Geez!  Whatever!" (you exclaimed angry)

You took Aladdin's hand and walked in the garden...

"Thank you for walking me home (name)-oneesan!" (Aladdin smiled)

"It was nothing!" (you smiled too)

Then Aladdin rang the bell...

"Coming!" (a woman's voice was heard behind the door)

The door opened and a small sized woman came out. She had light pink hair and pink eyes. Her hair was beautiful! It was at medium size hardly reaching her waist and a really long braid which reached her knees...

"Oh!  Aladdin! You are back! And you brought a friend too!" (woman)

"Yes mother! This is Alibaba's classmate, (name)-oneesan!"

"I see! So you are Alibaba's classmate right? Nice to meet you! I am Sheba, Aladdin's mother!"

"I see! Nice to meet you too, Sheba-san!" (you smiled)

To be continued....

NOTE: I have corrected this one the first chapter already but in case you have read it long ago! Aladdin isn't gonna be Alibaba's younger brother but his cousin!! Sorry for the inconvenience!

Ok so sorry!!  It's small!! I wanted to write more but I have not much time... Exams....  T_T

See ya next week!!

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now