Now I am sure!

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"So Judal-kun would you go on another date with me?"

Judal was looking at you lost....

You were looking at him with a big warm smile....

"A-are you serious?"

He said nearly tearing again....

"Yeah! Let's go on a date again! It doesn't have to be soon but let's go!"

You said with a bright smile....

"I-is it okay with you!?"

"Of course... I am the one asking this time! I won't answer with a what!"

Reminding yourself that just yesterday you we're shocked to hear him ask you out you hugged him and wispered in his ear....

"Now I am sure! I wanna go!  Seems like I needed a bit more than some hours though!"

It was kind of ironic....  you had been with him only for a day or so but....  it felt like you knew him for years....

Thinking back to yesterday it felt a bit nostalgic.... Hehe.....

"You are strange...."

"Yes! I know! But isn't this okay?"

"I guess it is...."

"Then don't complain Judal-sama!"

"Again with sama!?"

"Yep! It suits you!"

You chuckled making Judal blush a bit and get flustered....

Ahh..... how you loved that reaction!

Judal hugged you and rested his head on your shoulder....

"Let me stay like this.... just for a little.... I am tired....."

"Of course! I won't go anywhere..."

You smiled at him and after he smiled too he closed his eyes.....

Well.... let the kid rest they say....

You stayed there for a while stroking his hair gently making him relax....

To be continued....

First of all new arc!! (YAY!)

Second.....I actually realized that even though a year has passed in these story it's only been a day xD Omg srsly now!? Kill me for dragging this so long T.T

Now I actually am facing a dejavu and this is like a prologue to the new arc....  this arc will probably be more fast paced....  (and won't last only a day xD) And yeah.... Gonna warn you! :P

Be ready for my cliffhangers!!! They will be back reaaaaaally soon xD

Thanks for reading so far!

See ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now