Varied Reactions

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So that was the reason everyone we're getting the chills when Kouha announced we will be playing a game.....

"So I just have to show my boobs, right?" (you)

"Yeah!" (Kouha)

"Please don't say it so naturally!!" (Hakuryuu)

"I have a feeling next round this is gonna get even worse...." (Judal)

"(name)-San you can give up if you want you know!" (Alibaba)

"I said dare and I will so what I was dared to!! A man never goes back on his word!" (you)

"You are a woman, you know...." (Judal sweat dropped)

"Hurry up!" (Kouha)

"Okay okay I got it!" (you)

And with that said you took of your shirt and were ready to take off your breast band as well. Around that point Hakuryuu closed his eyes tight blushing....

You chuckled at the sight. But you didn't stop. To be honest you didn't really mind this. Because they were your friends and not some random guy looking!

So you took it off too. Being completely naked from the waist up.

You could see both Judal and Alibaba blushing and "trying" to look away.

Kouha just seemed happy to have some fan service you guessed.

You found it quite amusing. The varied reactions made this interesting. After a while though.

"Uum.... can I wear my clothes again now? It will be hard to explain if someone does come..."(you)

"I guess you are right. Alright I allow it!" (Kouha)

"Did you get dressed up again?" (Hakuryuu who still had his eyes closed)

"Yeah. I did. You can open your eyes now Hakuryuu-kun...." (you)

"So now it's (name)'s turn to ask!" (Kouha)

"Ah right! So Alibaba-kun, truth or dare?" (you)

"Eh.... I am kinda afraid to say dare at the moment so I will pick truth....." (Alibaba)

"Alright then!" (you)

"Your question then?" (Kouha)

"Who................?" (you asked)

To be continued......
Wah....again with cliffhanger... sorry everybody.....
Also my exams are over!! But I have to go through anime hell this month so don't expect the chapters to get any longer xD//slapped

Anyway see ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now