It's a bit unfair!

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So Solomon agreed to let you and Judal sleep there...

"Shouldn't you two call your parents to tell them you are sleeping over?" (Sheba said as she saw us the way inside)

"I-I am fine! I live alone after all!" (you)

"Don't you live with your parents?" (Sheba)

"They are working in a far away place... So I live alone!" (you)

"Oh... I see... And you, Jud.... how was your name again?" (Sheba looking at Judal)

"It's Judal... And I don't think they will care either way if I go home or not..." (Judal with an uninterested face)

"Won't they get worried?" (Sheba with her mother's instict on fire)

"No! They won't..." (Judal says casually)

Sheba was started getting a bit sorry for Judal but you were hit by that right I the head.

So his parents didn't care about him coming home or not....

That's so sad....

No wonder he has turned out with this personality...

You looked at him and noticed the casualty he was expressing when he said those....

You looked at him with pity...

Judal noticed your sorry face and eyed you curiously...

"What?" (Judal said to you)

"N-nothing..." (you)

You thought you gotta change the topic and fast!!

"Soooo where will we sleep Sheba-san?" (you said smiling)

"Uum... there's the guest room-!" (sheba)

"I want them to sleep with me!!" (Aladdin interrupted)

"Eh? Well that's fine but..." (Sheba)

"My bed is really really big!! So we can all cuddle up and sleep together!!" (Aladdin excited)

"H-HAH!?" (Judal)

"What a nice idea!! Let's all go cuddle up!!" (you said excited)

"H-HEY!" (Judal with a what the hell face)

"Oh! Come on now Judal-sama!! It will be fun! Don't worry I don't kick when I am sleeping!" (you grinned)

He looked at you... If he was holding a gun he would have shoot you more than ten times by now!

"Ok then! You will all sleep with Aladdin!" (Sheba smiled)

You and Aladdin were throwing a mini-party (and some win sign which meant that yeah you made Judal do something he didn't want to) while Judal was looking with a "HAH!???" face...

Solomon (who was previously in another room) passed by you and heard that.... and he snapped!


Solomon yelled angry while pointing at Judal.

"Why are you shouting...? AND THAT'S RUDE TO SAY!!" (Sheba)

Solomon was losing ground...

"Like I said!! He is a thug! He might even go ahead and rape our son!! And not only are you letting him in our house but also let him sleep with our son!!" (Angry Solomon)


You yelled pointing at Solomon!

"Huh!?" (Solomon)

"Will you stop saying such things!? Don't you think it's a bit unfair!?"

"What is unfair!?"

"First of all! Judal had no intention of raping Aladdin!"

"And how are you so sure!?"

"Let me finish my damn sentence!!" *angry*


"Second! Don't just assume whatever you feel like just to make an excuse for yourself! You just assumed that Judal-kun will do something bad just to make an excuse to make him leave!!"

"Th-that's not-!"

"And third!! Don't talk about him like he isn't here!"

Solomon looked around to see the others...

Sheba had a really disappointed and angry face while Aladdin was clearly angry at his father...

Judal looked like he didn't care but you could see that he wanted to leave at that moment...

Solomon turned to you and stared for a while...

Then he turned around and walked away...

"Do what you want!"

"Then that's that! Aladdin will you take your friends to your room?" (Sheba)

"Yeah! Come this way Judal-kun, (Name)-neesan!"

"Coming!" (you)

"Whatever!" (Judal)

"I am gonna bring you dinner later!" (Sheba)

"Okay!" (you and Aladdin)

Sheba walks of to the kitchen and you and the others go upstairs to Aladdin's room...

To be continued...


This was tooooo long....
I think my fingers are dead...
Anyway about that drawing with Judal and Aladdin are cuddling...
I have finished it but my calculations were off (as always) and so it doesn't fit with this part... I think it will suit the next one so wait till then!  ;)

I won't write such a long chapter again.........

See ya next week!

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now