Judal has it rough up there

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And as you can understand Judal was shouting from fear.......

The UFO is already at its highest point...... and about to start spinning........

Judal closed his eyes and you:

"Wait you really are afraid!!!??? "

"Hell yeah I am scared to death of this things!!!! "

"I am sorry I didn't know..... "

"If you have time to apologize do something to make this thing stop!!!!"

"It's too late for that!" (another voice coming from next to Judal...)


"Oh I just came to enjoy the ride but I didn't thought I would see another interesting thing! Haha!"

"Tch!"(Judal really nervous)


"Y-yes.....!"(Sinbad afraid)

That brought Judal back to his feet...  and.....

"Hey Sinbad, if I am in the mood I am gonna throw up on you!"(Judal with a playing around voice)

"Ggh.... "(Sinbad)

And time to start spinning!

You holded Judal's hand......

And the UFO spinned and there was some music playing and a person before the music who was saying things...... like.......

"Come on Everybody! Raise your hands up!"

You raised your hands up having forgotten that one of them still hold Judal's hand......

And Judal unconsciounsly raised his other hand too and when he noticed......  he started shouting and swearing to that guy with the microphone......  .

Sinbad was laughing at Judal and you were ready to give him a beating but Judal was between you......

Judal was screaming most of the time...... and not out of excitment like you did......

And after 5 full minutes the UFO started slowing down and then going down......

To be continued.....


Sorry for the short part....

Look foward to the next one!

See ya next week my dear readers!

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