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So what? Should you ask him about how he feels? Really?

"Hey. You. Say something."

Judal interrupted your thoughts. You were thankful for that though.

"Why don't you say something?"

"I would if I could thing of something!!"

"Alright then I have a question for you!"

"Oh? What is it? Please don't ask how masturbate or something silly Kay?"

"That's a really interesting question! I shall keep it for some other time though."


"Anyway! I am gonna say this straight out okay? Do you love me!?"


"Answer! Honestly!"

"You ask that NOW!? Aren't we a couple already?"

"But that's me pushing my feelings on you....."

"Hah!? Are you stupid or what!? Why would I become lovers with someone I don't love!?"

"Then you do!"

"Don't make me say it out straight!"

"Okay okay..... Judal-sama is shy after all!"

"I am not!"

"Ah! You are!"

Somehow, magically..... all the tension left.... speaking freely again....

No reservation or whatever....

You reached your home in no time.

Judal said his goodbye to you and was ready to leave.

Before he managed that though you pulled him inside your house and well.....

You miscalculated one can say.

Why? Because you were on the ground and Judal on top of you pinning you down somehow.....

You should have pushed him from behind instead.....

"Uum..... sorry?"

Judal apologizing? That's new!!

To be continued.......
Ah yeah it's small again.... and next week I probably won't have internet to update.... maybe I will update it on Tuesday or what when I will be back or maybe I will give the chapter to my best friend and ask her to post it here on Saturday? Idk.....

Anyway this is back to ONLY the two of you so have fun with Judal~~

See ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now