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You passed the whole night next to Judal. His eyes were puffy from crying but his breathing had finally calmed down.

You ended up cuddling with him on the sofa till you fell asleep too...

In the morning you woke up first and decided to go make breakfast or something.

As soon as you shifted to get up from the sofa, Judal woke up.

At first he looked a little, well a lot, confused.

Trying to remember how he ended up here. After remembering the previous night his face was stained red...

"I can't believe I did that!! Agh how embarrassing!!" He started yelling.

"Judal-kun, calm down, I asked you to cry, and I won't tell anyone..."

You said to calm him down. Yet he showed no signs of calming down...

"You don't get it! That's embarrassing!! I can't believe that I let my guard down! You are really dangerous, you know!?"

"That's kinda rude to say? Why am I dangerous now!? I don't get it at all!"

"You make me lower my guard too much! Atone for that!"

"What do you want me to atone for!? Asking you to open up to me!? Well I refuse!"

"I don't care about your ulterior motives!! Eh... wait... you wanted me to open up to you?"

You epically facepalmed.

"Some times I really wonder if your brain is in your head or if it's traveling in the outer universe!"

"So now that wasn't rude!?"

"Yes it was rude! Got a problem?"

"Yes! A big one!"

"Well I have a problem too!"

"Oh yeah? How about spilling it out!?"

"Oh you wanna hear!? Well I will then!!"

"Go right ahead!???"

"I am hungry!" You said as angry as you could be.

"...Hah...?" Judal asked in doubt.

"Yeah! I am hungry! Yet, you just keep complaining and don't let me make breakfast!!"

"No that's better! Actually don't go in the kitchen! I still have nightmares from last time I saw you in the kitchen full of blood!"

"I said that was an accident!"

"I don't care! You won't go in the kitchen!"

"Then who is gonna make breakfast, huh!?"

"I will!!"

"...what...?" This time was your turn to ask in doubt.

But apparently Judal was serious and he headed towards the kitchen....

To be continued......
Looking at older chapters I realized I miss that silly-funny love comedy this story was so I will be going back to this style XDDD or at least I will try lols ~~ Ah but as always I have no idea where this story is heading XD

Anyway see ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now