Let's go to the UFO

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So the gang is on the roller coaster!


Gyokuen:pretending to be scared while clinging to Kouen

Koumei:scared to death

Hakuei:She enjoys it and simultenously tries to calm down Koumei

Judal: bored

You: feels excited and scolds Judal for saying whatever

Kouen: is silent but is kinda pissed at Gyokuen

Now let's start:

The roller coaster passes through slopes loops, twists around and fast turns.........

And the ride ended........

Koumei was more or less dead.....

Gyokuen was pretending to feel dizzy just to cling to Kouen....

After the two stopped feeling dizzy we were talking about where to go....

"How about going on that thing that seems like a roulette up high while it's swirling?" (you)

It was something you show when you were on the roller coaster.

"The UFO, eh? That's a good idea!"(Hakuei)


"That's what it's called! Because it looks like one!"(Hakuei)

".......no........ no....  NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! "(Koumei)

"....gkh...... "(Judal)

"Did you say something Judal?" (Gyokuen)

"I think I will stay here with Koumei" (Kouen)

"Really my dear brother?" (Koumei with a lighted face of assureness)

"No! No! No! Koumei is still a kid so he must go!"(Gyokuen)

" .......okay......... "(Koumei)

"But I am too old to go to that so Kouen is gonna stay with me here right my dear son? " (Gyokuen)

"Whatever.... "(Kouen)

And so you decide to go to the UFO............

Hakuei and Koumei went to buy tickets and you were left alone with Judal!

"I don't want to go...... "

''What's with you Judal-kun?"

"I..... I don't find it interesting!"

"Oh don't tell me Judal-sama is afraid?"

"THAT'S NOT IT!!!! "



Sorry it's short but I didn't have much free time and I ended up writing it in a kids birthday party and I couldn't concentrate!

That interesting thing is coming next week! Look foward to it!

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