Returning home

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"Judal-kun what's your problem? I understand if you didn't want me to go alone, which is unwanted worrying too, but I am telling I am going with Alibaba-kun so what's the problem?" (you)

"I don't trust him." (Judal)

"Excuse me!? I am not you, ya know!?" (Alibaba)

"I don't get what's happening but can I go to sleep?" (Koumei)

"It's still 9 p.m.!!!!" (Kouen)

"Is Judal jealous maybe?" (Hakuei)

"Oh!" (Kougyoku and Kouha)

"That Judal is jealous....." (Hakuryuu)

"Ara, how adorable! Then Judal can go with them too no?" (Gyokuen)

"O-okay...." (Judal)

"Whatever! Just come you two!" (you)

You pulled Judal and Alibaba and started walking.

You were silent for around 10 minutes before you started singing whatever silly song came to your head to make the others laugh.

Soon you started chatting about unimportant things.

Alibaba's home was first in sight.
Alibaba bid his goodnights and went on.

You just continued on with Judal.
With no special reason, it felt akward. Remembering again and again.

You only met around 3 days ago. He just came in your life like nothing much. The same as a new mail on your mailbox.

Just coming. Progressing. Getting out of hand. Going to the point you don't wanna turn back.

So suddenly he came.....

Sometimes you were worrying that he might just leave like that too......

Judal wasn't talking either.

A peaceful night. Not many cars around. Nearly no passerbys.

What was this feeling in your heart though? Something warm...

You did love him right? Then it just crossed your head.

"I do love him.... but does he truthfully loves me back? What if this is not what he wants?"

To be continued......
I know it's kinda small but I am really busy today! Also Happy Birthday to Judal's seiyuu, Kimura Ryohei! Yeah it's today.

Also I was busy with sif. Sorry I had a lot of things to do. And my hand hurt too.....

Sorry!!! Also I have another two fanfics to update for this month, I hope I manage to do that tomorrow or it will have to wait for next month.... sorry..... >~<
I am a disgrace as a writer!!!

Anyway see ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now