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At your home.

Judal was dying on the table.


Because you were studying.

What? Maths. And Judal couldn't coexist with Maths.

"Judal-kun.... are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?"

"Uum... no?"

"Then don't ask.... I don't like maths..... I can deal with the other subjects but not maths...."

"Maths are pretty fun though? If you get to know them..."

"Yeah.... whatever... I think you would say that for anyone."

"I always see the positive sight to things!"

"Is that so?"

"Come on I will tutor you so pay attention."

"Yeah yeah.... Somebody prepare my grave...."

When studying Maths was over, Judal was almost dead but was able to solve some problems.....

On the other hand you were beaming with energy.

Not only were Maths one of your more enjoyable subject you could also tease Judal in the meantime.

You moved on to next subject.

You thought Judal needed to revive so you chose an easy subject for him.... and hell for you.....

Ancient Greek....

Judal just did all the things he had to. While you were falling bit behind...

You ended up with Judal tutoring you a bit...

And Judal was thus revived!

Until you moved on to physics......

Which had the same consistency of Maths.... and Judal died once again....

And it went on and on....

By the end of the say you had finished........

You were both tired you just fell asleep right there on the couch...

And you both slept like that till the sun shone again, indicating the start of a new day....

Monday... you had school....

You should wake up early......

Or so you thought while falling to sleep without setting an alarm.....

To be continued......
I have no idea what happens.
It's short I know.
Also I am a big Maths fan xD (aiming to be math prof here xD)
So I inserted it a bit.....
And sorry for inserting ancient greek once again!! But I used it before so I felt like reusing it... ^^" God I hate them..... Thank god next year I won't have them xD (Greek identity has fallen to 0.00000000001%)
Tmr I have a test in cram school again~ In Algebra xD Well gonna sleep!

Anyway see ta next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now