Ren family analysis

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You reached the Ren house.

Halfway through the road Judal had started arguing with Alibaba for who-knows-what....

You found it quite enjoyable so you decided to just watch....

The house though was really big... it was a wealthy family alright!

"I will always get amazed by how big this house is..." Alibaba said staring....

"Well, it is big after all." Judal stared monotonously.

"Uum...  is the whole family here?" you asked kinda curious

"Hmm.... Kouen, Koumei and Hakuei should be at their college library... they have an urgent project deadline to meet or something...." (Judal)

"Uum... Kougyoku won't be here either!" (Alibaba)

"Why? And why do you know?" (you)

"She is gonna go shopping with Morgiana she told me...." (Alibaba)

"Well Hakuryuu will be home, cause he called you... Kouha.... will probably be absent again.... he isn't usually home in the afternoon expect if there's a test or a family meeting..."

"Then what about Gyokuen-san and your father?" (you)

"He is never home.... and I don't know about Gyokuen...." (Judal)

"So..... why are we standing out here all this time?" (Alibaba)

"I am searching for my keys, isn't it obvious!?" (Judal)

"Uum.... we can just knock though.... Hakuryuu-kun is there anyway...." (you)

"Ah.... true...." (Judal)

Then Judal rang the bell.....


A voice said and the door opened.

To be continued....
Too sleepy to write more..... T.T
And who should open the door?  I don't have much options, eh?  Any ideas though?

See ya next week~

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