Brat VS Stupid Woman

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You both boarded the train.

Sitting down together,  this time the situation was less tense than before.

You were enjoying the scenery and you made fun of Judal 90% of the time....

Judal was frowning while looking out the window to avoid your gaze.

"Oh come on~ Don't act like a little kid Judal-kun!"

"I am not!"

"Yeah sure.... and I am blind...."

"We all know you are not, stupid~"

".....I meant that as much as I am blind,  you are not acting as a kid! Got that,  brat?"

"Noo I didn't!! And don't  call me brat!"

"I will call you whatever I please• Spoiled brat!"

"Okay now you've done it, stupid woman!!"

"Ha! Bring it on brat•••!!"

Judal kind of jumped on top of you and pinned you down on the seat.

Not leaving him a chance to do anything,  you grabbed his hair and pulled it teasingly~

He got irritated.... and put his face near your neck like he was ready to bite you....

"Don't  you dare!"

You said and pushed him away. Which resulted in him lying down on the ground of the train and you on top of him, this time pinning him down.

"That hurt stupid!"

He gave you a small chop on the head...

"Well that hurt too, idiot!"

You started pulling at each others hair while changing position all the time.

You had kinda cleaned the train's floor with your shirts and pants by the time you arrived at your destination....

Thank god the train was nearly empty and no one was watching....

Or that was what you thought....

Because someone was watching....

And it was not just someone, it was someone you knew.... and of course he knew you too....

To be continued....
So hey! I am still a little sick but I don't have a headache and I am not coughing so I managed to write a normal-sized chapter and quite funny at that! 

And also that part when the reader was saying she was blind as a sarcasm to Judal was kinda ironic. Because I am kinda basing this reader on my magi OC Rasu who was(when she was young) blind xD So it's  really ironic xD

And I would like to see that scene where the reader and Judal were arguing xD And finally some worthwhile cliffhanger I guess xD

I wonder who that person might be~~

[[NOTE: Even I don't know xD Depends on my mood next week I guess xD]]]

Anyway see ya next week~

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