Al Thamen

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Solomon wanting to avoid history repeating itself he decided to split up the company in smaller factions and choose a leader for its one.

72 leaders of smaller companies and 4 leaders of the main company.

The four leaders were Solomon, Arba, Sheba and Ugo. Ugo was Solomon's best friend and always helped him out.

There were many sub-leaders too to help out. Solomon thought that would be enough.

But it wasn't. Most of the 72 leaders stopped acting on their own and relied completely on Solomon's orders.

Arba and some sub-leaders, who were around long enough to witness David's monarchy started complaining.

Arba herself tried to put an end to all of this by talking to Solomon, but he didn't listen to her, he was sure he was doing his best at the moment.

Arba messed up everything. She and some sub leaders founded a unit, named Al Thamen and decided to give an end to Solomon's reign.

She managed to do it. Making some small companies going bankrupt and others forced to pull away from the main unit.

Solomon saw what Arba was doing. He decided it was time to stop by himself before others get hurt because of him.

He decided to split up the company and that's what he did.

He took over the previous Alma Torran company, keeping it a small one with not many employees.

Arba had a bad reputation among the industry so she changed her name to Gyokuen.

Leading the Al Thamen unit she infiltrated a small company, Kou. And begun taking over it.

Solomon paused for a moment.

"Heh~ so all that happened..." (Judal)

"I feel kinda sorry for dad..." (Aladdin)

"We still haven't heard what Judal has to do with this though?" (You)

"About that...."

To be continued........
Throw some idea to me please bc I am lost xD fingers do something!!!
Ah... exams start this week.... Rip me.

Anyway see ya next week~

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