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So Judal and Solomon have started answering simulatenously.... ^^""

Solomon is getting more and more annoyed by the whole thing while Judal has a face that screams: "I WANNA LEAVE ALREADY!!!"....

Sheba though... She has made up her mind... She is gonna have us sleep there...

You started becoming keen on the idea too! And Aladdin absolutely wanted! 

The only problem was a pair of people who just detested each other in every possible way!!

Solomon was getting more and more impatient...

Sheba is using all methods she could think of to make Solomon bend and let you and Judal sleep there...

Aladdin started walking toward you...

He gestured you to duck a bit and so you lowered your head a bit...

"My mother is gonna convice my dad! Don't worry! But you have to convice Judal-kun... Youn are the only one who can do that after all!"

He wishpered in your ear... You were so caught up in watching them you had forgotten that Judal was gonna refuse no matter what! So you had to convice him...

He was standing some meters away and was looking at the couple argue....

You got close to him and spoke in his ear saying a playful 'J~U~D~A~L~'!

He got surprised out of his wits and turned around to face you!


"How about we sleep here?"


"Come on! It will be fun!"

"N-NO WAY!!"

"It will be fun! We will all cuddle up!! Me, you and Aladdin-kun!"


"Why not Judal-kun?" (Aladdin comes closer too)

"YOU TWO!!!!" (Judal angry)

"Hehe!" (You and Aladdin chuckling)

"STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!!!!!!!" (Judal shouting really loud)

"But Judal-kun is fun to tease!" (Aladdin laughing)


"Are you sure that boy was the one who bullied Aladdin?" (Sheba says looking confused at you and Aladdin making fun of Judal)

Solomon turns and looks at you three too... And well that was unexpected... 

"I am starting having some doubts too..." (Solomon kinda 'what the f*ck is this?' face)

"Just let them sleep here already!" (Sheba)

"Geez... Fine already!!" (Solomon)

"Thank you!!" (Sheba says happily as she jumps and hugs her husband)

--Back at you--

"Seriously now!?" (Judal)

"Yay!! You too can sleep here!!" (Aladdin)

"Yeah!" (you)

And like that you and Judal are sleeping over there!

To be continued........


Wow! That was hard writing....

I wrote this chapter at computer.... and this is hard...

My hands didn't move on their own as my fingers do on my phone...

And so I had problems withe plot... //sigh//

Anyway to gether I celebrate 1 year of Magi!! Yay!!!

So I couldn't write more cause I have made a whole list of Magi related things to do... ^^''

Next week I am gonna draw that thing with Judal and Aladdin cuddling (Juala shippers are gonna be happy) and put it at the chapter front! :)

See ya next week!! My fellow Magi fans!! :D

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