The not-so Grand Plan

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You begun speaking of your grand plan like it was indeed grand.

"I won't come with you now after all. I don't want to impose more on my aunt's decisions. Also she just got divorced so she needs some support too!"

"Despite that, it seems she is treating you rather roughly, no?"

Judal pointed at your bandaged hand.

"This is nothing important really. It's just a scratch. She is pretty shaken up right now too. Anyway listen to my plan!"

"Yeah yeah get on with it? What are you gonna suggest....? That we finish high school apart and then we will aim for the same university or something?"

"Wow... Are you an ESP? I was just gonna say all these!"

"Really!? Just that!? Is that your grand plan!?"

"Yep! Simple is the best you know! Plus, I can always ask for permission to pass the holidays in the Ren house. My aunt will have calmed down till next break so I can come over. It's just for two years. And we can meet and live temporarily together on Summer, Winter and Spring vacation! Ain't it awesome?"

"Hmmm...... I guess it wouldn't be so bad if it's just two years..."

"See? And of course we can talk every day through the phone or the internet?"

"Oh right...."

"I will be awaiting for your daily reports, kay?"

"So the promise...."

"Is valid. No one-sided things. It's a proper promise."

"Yeah. The marriage too!"

"Y-yeah... Of course!"

You stroke a smile to him. He smiled back at you.

Despite the way this situation looked, it was something so simple.

2 years are no short time, but it didn't feel very long for either of you.

You met up on all the school vacations. Even during Golden Week.

Judal was still hiding from you what he was striving to become. As for you... you decided to let things flow normally. You weren't sure what you wanted to do yet, but you were starting considering about a nursery teacher... Being that you had experience dealing with a child-Judal-for so long....

During the entrance exams, you were starting getting excited but also anxious.

Of course both of you had put the same university as your first choices. It didn't quite have a low score either. You both had to work hard to enter.

If after all this time you went to different universities, you felt like everything would be destroyed.

You called each other every evening before the exams and even discussed about some questions.

Somehow those idle chats on the phone helped both of you calm down...

You both passed the exams and were now accepted to the exact same university...

Some of your former classmates went there too...

You decided on passing spring vacation after the graduation apart. You bid farewell to your aunt and soon departed for the university...

Same for Judal...

You had decided to get a shared apartment...

"We made it, eh Judal!"

"Yeah! We are gonna live together!"

And thus begun your university lives...

To be continued....
Despite this feeling like a very good ending... I am not in the mood to end this so I should write some things for then uni too!

And it's the long awaited timeskip//slapped

Anyway see ya again next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now