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Walking through the narrow passage you noticed a light deep inside.

You and Kouha went over there following the light.

There the roof was high and, let alone narrow, the path was big.

It almost looked like an old dining room.

You glanced at each other and decided to walk in the big room.

Looking around you noticed the big table, the numerous chairs and the many paintings on the walls.

All of them, though, were battered.

"Maybe it was a dining hall here in the past?"

You asked Kouha.

"I don't know. It's my first time here too."

"Eh? Haven't you came here before?"

"No...When we found this passage me and Judal stopped when still in the narrow path over there.... Only our two older brothers walked in here...."

"Kouen and Koumei?"

" did say brothers but they are my cousins. They are Hakuei's and Hakuryuu's real siblings. They were even older than En-nii and Mei-ni."

"Is that so...? I haven't met them where are they now?"

"They have disappeared. Apparently."

You wanted to know more but Kouha's face had turned a bit gloomy, moreover you wanted to concentrate on finding Judal now so you changed subject.

"Well! Where could Judal be now~?"

"Let's search around here... He shouldn't have went far."

"That's probably true. Let's search!"

You began searching all around the enormous room. You found two doors in total that were still usable.

Judal should have went in one of them you thought with Kouha.

Kouha told you to stay there until he finishes searching their contents.

You proposed to split up and look at a door each but Kouha insisted it was dangerous.

But worried as you were, as soon as Kouha was inside one of the doors, you hurried over to the other and went in!

It was a narrow passage yet again. You took out your phone to use it as a light.

It was too dark.

You had to admit it was a bit scary too but knowing that Judal might have been in there gave you courage.

You moved on and on.

It lead to a door.

That door had a small window on it and light was coming out of it.

Maybe Judal was really in there....

Thinking that, you opened the door and....

To be continued.....
Cliffhanger lols
Finally winter holidays finally I have time to update my other fanfics xD
Anyway, I am too tired because I have been playing MystMes this days so I need sleep now. Good night! >~<

Oh and see ya next week~~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now