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Judal pulled his sleeves up and entered the kitchen.

You wanted to go spy on him but he did instist on you not going in the kitchen.

After half an hour or so, he called you to come to the kitchen to eat.

He had prepared both of you some coffee and sandwiches...

You were surprised at how normal the food looked.

"Y-you knew how to cook!?"

"Shut up and eat!"

You silently munched down the sandwich... It was surprisingly delicious.

"Judal-kun, did you really make this?"

"Now what you are doubting me!?"

"Ah... well... You just didn't seem like the type of man to cook, is all..."

"Tch. That's right! So keep it a secret!!"

"Hahaha... okay! But where did you even learn to cook?"

"When I was younger I wanted to play with Hakuryuu but he only ever experimented with food that period so I used that as an excuse and hanged out with him... I learnt the basics there. And by looking at what Hakuei does, I learn the things I shouldn't do when cooking. So my cooking is pretty normal."

"So there was a whole story behind this ability of yours. But that part with Hakuei-san was rude. There's no way her cooking could be that bad!"

"Don't be mistaken... Her cooking.... is poison... Don't eat any of it if you value your life!!"

"O-okay okay. But I am kinda surprised that you admitted that you were trying to get close to Hakuryuu." You giggled.

He flushed up and looked the other way, munching down on his own sandwich.

You chuckled at this cute reaction of him. Lately he overreacted so many times you found it very adorable and fun.

Though Judal snapped every time you laughed.

While eating his sandwich, some ingredients fell off on his knees...

You made a note to yourself, that even if he knew how to cook, he was no good at eating...

Another thing to teach him when you got the time.

And obviously you burst out laughing when this happened which made Judal stand up abruptly and knocking his coffee cup over, the coffee making it's way to his hand and burning it.

He started screaming running all around the kitchen. You just calmly stood up. Grabbed his injured hand, opened the freezer door and touched his hand on the ice.

That soothed him and he stopped screaming but he started sobbing like a small child... once again... he got angry when you laughed at his cuteness!

To be continued.....
In my vision of Judal, I tend to imagine him holding a fry or something and chasing after the bullies of his children or his friends' children. And I just wanted to add that cooking charm in here. And I didn't want to make Judal suffer even more due to the shock of bloody reader in the kitchen xD

Anyway see ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now