Reaching School

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By the time you reached the school building Judal was nearly dead from all the running and you were breathing a bit faster than normal too....

As it seemed though Judal had no stamina at all.... As soon as you stopped running, he collapsed to the ground.....

Looking at the time you noticed it hadn't been more than half an hour since Alibaba's call....

You still had some time before 3rd period started....

Making your mind work once again you tried remembering what lesson you had.....

Judal, being fast to complain and speak to you about....

"Gosh... Stop making me run like that.... I thought I was gonna die.... And why the hell should I hurry over just to be present at Ithnan's lesson!?"

.......and he just answered your unspoken question....

Ithnan...... you hadn't met him the day before and decided to ask Judal what his lesson was....

He answered with a low-voiced irritated tone....

"God damn it! Can you just learn who does what!? He is the history professor...."

"Ah! History eh?..... Can you tell me the homework you had then?"

"Homework? Who actually does homework nowadays!?"

"Me! And another 99.9% other students!!"

"Then I think I am included to that 0.1% who don't do them.... And of course I have no idea what it was!"

Note to yourself: you should tutor him a bit and actually make him do his homework....

When the ringing was finally heard you rushed once again towards the building and Judal following you at his own slow pace.....

Another note: Gonna make him practice running sometime

At the door you met Alibaba and Hakuryuu.....

As your good friends you greeted him with a happy-go-lucky:

"Good Morning,  Alibaba-kun and Hakuryuu-kun! How are you today?"

They both looked at you staring like idiots....

"Do I have something on my face?"

You said teasingly and Hakuryuu speaker's first as Alibaba was still half in a daze.....

"Uum.... We are fine.... Wh-what about you (name)-san? "

"Me? I am perfectly fine! Although we run into some problems yesterday....."

Alibaba asked out of nowhere!

"Did that bastard do something to you!?"

"I wish you wouldn't speak like that about me when I am present..."

A fatigued Judal, who finally caught up, interrupted.....

"Ahahaha! More like it was the other way around!" (you)

"Eh?" (Alibaba and Hakuryuu)

"Hey! Don't tell!" (Judal)

"Hehehe..." (you)

To be continued...
I am starting to think that the reader is getting sadistic xD Anyway wrote this near midnight and kinda sleepy so good night xD

See ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now