Won't you trust him a bit?

395 22 1

All four of you entered the classroom....

You weren't late thankfully....

Judal just shrugged and sat down putting his legs on the desk.....

You sat down too.... your desks were close.....

Alibaba and Hakuryuu were looking at Judal like he was an alien....

You chuckled...

"Judal-kun~ Will you tell me what you did last time in history lessons?"

You asked happily...

"And how should I know!?"

"You were here, no?"

"I don't remember..."

"You should note things down then!"

You huffed.... Judal pouted and you chuckled again....

Alibaba was looking at you like stupid....

Ithnan-sensei entered the classroom and began his lesson....

It wasn't all that bad of a lesson....

We were talking about American Revolution and such....

You had to constantly hit Judal a bit cause he was always ready to fall asleep.....

Class ended.... The sensei left...

You tagged Judal outside the classroom....

And you both went out....

It was time for a 20 minute break....

You sat down on a bench in school grounds....

After a while Alibaba appeared and asked to speak with you in private...

You accepted with a simple 'Sure'and told Judal a reassuring 'I will be back'....

Alibaba stopped when you reached a corner of the school.... No one would see you here....

And he started....

"(name)-san......Did he do something to you? Judal....?"

"Eh? No way! I told you it was the other way around!"

"What do you mean...?"

"I am not in a mood to tell the details.... How about asking Aladdin? He knows...."

"A-aladdin....? What does he have to do with this!?"

"Ask him and find out..."

You turned around ready to leave and return to Judal....

"W-wait! Tell me!"

"I said I am bored to do it~ Ask Aladdin..... *starts walking* Ah... Also..... *turns your head to look at him* Won't you trust him a bit?"

And you walked away smiling....
Alibaba looking at you lost.....

To be continued....
I wrote this past midnight and I am really sleepy....  I couldn't even type properly.... that's why it's short.... Now good night~

See ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now