Coming from you, IT'S STRANGE!

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So.... Sheba is waiting for you and Solomon to apologize to Judal!!

You don't really have a problem with this but a certain father does have!

He is looking at Sheba like he saw a ghost....

So....? What do I do? Should I help him? Was your thoughts...

He was a nice guy..... You noticed that after talking to him so long....

For now you decided to apologize to Judal before Sheba-san got angry....

"Uum... I am really sorry Judal-kun!! I was just too surprised because usually high school students don't fall off the bed!"

You gave great emphasis to the last phrase.... indicating him what he actually did...

You saw a pink colour take over his cheeks....

Solomon chuckled at the sight forgetting his (pretty angry by now) wife who was waiting him to do something.....

Sheba's stare turned into a glare....

Soon enough Solomon noticed the negative energy coming from Sheba....

He might die was what he thought....


She said in a sing-sang tone....

Solomon seemed really tense....

But he still had no intention of saying a word of sorry to Judal....

Even if you wanted to help you had no idea how.... The whole situation was out of your predictions...

"It's fine, I think.... I wasn't even hurt..."

Solomon might just have been saved by Judal!!!!

Aladdin had stayed quiet all this time and then he looked over at Judal who talked....

Same for all of you....

You were all staring at him like he was an alien....

Well in whole reality you only stared at him because you thought he said something clever for once!!

Judal noticing that everyone's eyes was on him he made a confused face and said a bit cautiously....

"W-what....??? Did I say something strange??"

You and Solomon who were by now in perfect sync thought at the same time "Coming from you it's strange!!"

Of course neither of you said that out loud...

The one to break the silence and (kinda) answer Judal's question was...

"Did Judal-kun actually become kinder because he fell and hit his head?"


Judal still looked confused.... kinder? What does he mean? ......was what his face said....

Translating Judal's face became more and more easier.... for you...

The next one to speak was Solomon. Who pointed at Judal and addressed his question to the rest of us.

"Who is he?"

"Solomon I thought you knew him!" (Sheba)

"B-but you know.... He seems a bit different...." (Solomon)

Solomon turned to look at Judal and asked him directly...

"Are you Judal's twin brother or something?"

"I am Ren Judal! What's with everyone!?"

Judal said with a bit rude tone...

Ok it's Judal!! (you, Solomon's and Aladdin's thoughts)

To be continued...
I am so stupid...
I completely forgot I had to update this today.... But I am home so I just updated late but the lenght is fine I think....
I was out with my best friend and my senpai and we talked about drawings and cosplay! I had such a great time I nearly forgot it was Saturday! XD

And OMG!! For once it's not a cliffhanger!! I think....

Was this chapter like completely silly? Sorry... I think I am not completely over that writers block....
And I just noticed we are at Aladdin's house for.... like 3 months now!? Waaaah!! This story is seriously slooow.... sowwy....

And I have no idea what I should do next chapter....

Anyway See ya next week~

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