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You both got out of the water and lied down on the beach....

You were wet.... like really really wet.....

"Haha.... that was fun....."

"Yep.... I guess you did repay the favour after all!"

You laughed together.....

"What should we do now?"

"Hmm.... I don't really feel like going home..... wanna walk across the beach?"

"Hmm.... sure.... I don't have anything to do anyway...."

You started walking humming in the process....

You noticed Judal felt akward for some reason so you held his hand.

He was blushing..... soo cute.

"Hey! Stupid woman.... that thing.... in the cafeteria.... don't do it again!"

"Eh? Ahaha.... that..... I won't..... don't worry..... but you see I pledged something..... I can't break a promise even though it was to myself...."


"I will make everyone approve of Judal-kun!"

You said smiling while pushing your head to his shoulder.....

"H-hah!? That's not..... really necessary..... it's fine like this....."

"No! I refuse."

"Gosh you are so stubborn!"

"Yeah! I know! Haha! Anyway hurry up!!"

You started running ahead making Judal run too to catch up with you~~

Though after an hour of running you were both breathing heavily you were laughing.....

The sun was slowly setting behind you.....

To be continued...
Really short I know.... but I am sick... and I cough every 2 mins so it's hard for me to concentrate on writing....  so this is all for this week.... Sorry for that....

Anyway see ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now