Would you go on another date with me?

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Solomon was looking at you with a bit of regret... 

"If someone is gonna take revenge that's gotta be Aladdin-kun right?"

You said a bit calmer now....

Judal was still looking down. Or more like hiding his face so Solomon wouldn't notice his tears...

You walked to Judal and.....

"Are you okay Judal-kun?"

Judal didn't answer....

"Let's go.... We are leaving..."

You said stroking his hair like a mother her child....

Solomon looked away feeling ashamed.

You helped Judal get up and walked together with him out of the room. Before you left completely you turned around to face Solomon....

"You better not say this to Aladdin-kun.... He will feel guilty even though it's your fault...."

You turned around and walked with Judal until the entrance of the house.

Judal wasn't speaking....

You walked out without even telling Sheba or Aladdin what happened.....

You walked away from the house towards your own....

After some while you stopped at the park you had been first at your date...

"Nee.... Judal-kun let's stop here a bit..."

You sat down on the bench and gestured him to sit too.

He did as he was told.

"Judal-kun? Does it hurt?"

".....no.... I am fine...."



He wasn't looking at you.... he seemed really down.....

"Geez! Next time fight back stupid!"


"Why did you just stand there looking!? You could have kicked him or something you know!!"

".....but...... it was something I deserved...... right?"

"HAH!? What are you talking about!?"

"......isn't this for the best? Now he calmed down....."


You grabbed his hand and held it tight.

"What are you doing?"

"Judal-kun.... I don't believe you deserved that!"


"No matter what! Nobody deserves  something like that!"

"What are you.....?"

You touched his chin and made him look right in your eyes...

"Believe me! You don't deserve such a cruel thing!"

"(Name)-chan.....why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I find it unfair! You are being regarding as something bad when in reality.....you are so kind!"

He looked at you shocked, his mouth open.... and you took the chance and slipped your tongue inside his mouth engaging a kiss.....

Judal's eyes were teary..... you wonder if they were tears of joy? You show his face relax and kiss back....

You pulled away from him and wispered.....

"See? I think I love you! I wouldn't love someone evil!"


"That's why....."

You smiled at him cheerfully holding his hands....

"So Judal-kun would you go on another date with me?"

To be coninued.... (or should this be the end? Not yet everyone. Stay tuned first arc is over from next week we are moving to second arc!!)


And I think that you noticed but let's have some dejavu from the first part! It's sudden date once again! XD

BTW I hope you like the new cover. I really worked hard! :D

I can't believe this story is ongoing for a year.....  :') I am so happy...

See ya next week with a new arc~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now