An one-sided promise

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Judal gulped before proceeding to read...

"Judal-kun, I am sorry for leaving like this. You are probably really shocked. I really didn't want to leave in this manner. I am just not very good at saying goodbye...

I will explain everything here. In reality, like you, I am adopted too. I am really thankful to my adopted parents for raising me but to be honest I was way happier away from them...

They always argue and yell and brawl... I am sick of that already! I was extremely happy when I learnt they would send me away here. Where I met all of you... It made me extremely happy to be with everyone! Especially you, Judal"-kun". I was extremely happy I found someone to love.

It was my first love so I really didn't know much about how to act... But you were so uselessly childish I easily adjusted. I wanted to do what was best for you. Support you. And most of all stay with you... make you happy!

But... a day before I disappeared, my foster mother called me and told me to go back... I had no option but to accept. I had to leave you behind. Even now, I am very sad about that.

I won't blame you if you decide not to forgive me about this. I pray for us to meet again once again in a far away future. When we become adults maybe?

I would like to stay by your side and watch you grow up and follow your newly found dream... But I can't... So at the very least I will pray for your success.

Thank you for everything. Also... If we meet again, I promise I will close the gap between us and properly call you "Judal". Even if that's decades in the future and even if you have forgotten me until then... Even if you never read this note, I will keep the promise.

May we meet again my first and only love,


Judal clenched the phone with his hand, tears uncontrollably falling down his face.

"That damn damn damn damn idiot! If that was a case, why didn't you at least tell me a proper goodbye!?

What about my dream coming true!? You don't even know it yet! I haven't told you! Why won't you consult me about this things too!?

Are you an idiot or what!?"

Judal kept throwing empty insults up the air...

More than angry though, he was extremely sad... He did know it was not your fault. But even then, he wanted to be by your side...

He immediately took ahold of his own mobile again and send you an email.

"Just you wait, idiot! Where are you? I am coming there to clear things up! Got that? You can't just run away like that with an excuse as lame as family reasons!!"

He pressed send, almost smacking the button.

He was determined to come to you and clear things up. He could take this one-sided promise nor the halfwit goodbye he received. Having been given so many things from you, he wanted to at least give you a proper answer...

Although tears came to your eyes when you saw his email, you send him the adress anyway...

The rest was up to Judal...

To be continued........
Guess who's watching another mecha Sunrise anime? Me!? I am gonna be hurtbroken again damn! ^^"

Possible reason the chapter was sad too//slapped

Oh and I have probably finally figured out how I want this story to end! XD

Anyway see ya next week~

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