The Family Feeling

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"You probably already heard about it from the others but.... most of them don't see me as a family member... more like a family friend of the sorts..."

"Yeah... I heard.... is it that bad?"

"It's not like it's necessarily bad but.... I feel foreign somehow...."

"I see.... meaning you are lonely because you don't feel like you are at home?"

"Ugg.... probably something like that...."

"I understand~ Well.... I bet it's hard, heh...."

"I guess... but I am used to it by now...."

You patted his head.

"I think it's just you that doesn't want to get in the family, no?"


"I am pretty sure both Kouha-kun and Kougyoku-chan feel like you are someone like family. And I am pretty sure if you tried just a bit your three older siblings would welcome you happily. As for Hakuryuu.... I bet you haven't noticed, eh?"

"Notice what?"

"He totally sees you like the annoying big brother!"


"See? You are more merged in there than you think you are! Well if you really feel lonely, you can feel free to drop by my place whenever you want though."


"But before you do that, BE SURE TO TAKE A LOOK AT YOUR SURROUNDINGS FIRST! Important people for you might be there. So don't run away, got it?"

" (name)-chan....."

"Haha! I said some pretty serious things, heh? Sorry.... it's just.... when I was over at your place, I felt like you really were all siblings or something.... it was nice....."

"What.... you actually had an answer before I even asked?"

"Kind of..... But I think there's something else you want to tell me, no?"

"Y...yeah......kind of......"

"Tell me."

"Well to be honest, even if I can feel my siblings as family...... our parents.... I can't think of them as family...."

You remembered what Gyokuen had told you about how they got Judal.

"I see...."

"Well I just wanted to say it. I know it can't be helped and you don't have to worry too much abou-"

You hugged Judal tightly and told him.

"I will be your mum!"


"From now on I will take on your mum's role. You need a mum right? That's because you are still a child after all!"


"When you grow big enough to be called a man, let's marry okay?"

"H-HA!? M-MARRY!?"

"Ah! That slipped. I should tell those things after you grow up, heh!"

You chuckled at Judal's super confused and shocked face.

To be continued......
What was that!? Woah! What a serious thing I WROTE!? Omg am I sick or what!?
Also I am quite sleepy and busy so this is the longest I can afford to write atm.... Curse cram school please T.T
Anyway how did we move up to marriage, reader-chan? Would you please enlighten me my fingers!? Like we are giving little JuJu too much of a shock!!

Anyway see ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now