I am the bad student here!

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Judal was looking at you grinning like hell....

"Just so you know I am the bad student here! Don't give me credit!!"

Judal wispered to you...

You looked away~~

"Is it so strange I want lessons from someone who is good at it!?"

You yelled so the whole class heard you....

Jafar-sensei was actually in a loss of words so he tried to act like nothing happened and continued his lesson....

"Uum... I think we wasted enough time on this! Please keep the comments for later....We have to finish the lesson...."

And so the chitchatting came to an end.....

Though most of the students were looking at you like you were wearing a clown red nose in the middle of a suuuper high-class wedding.....

Your plan was on motion...  

Judal was starting to blush from the extended staring though....

You inner chuckled again!

The lesson came to an end....

When you tried to exit the classroom a handful of hands caught you and tugged you till the end of the hallway and then up the stairs until you reached the roof....

The ones who were tugging you were Alibaba, Hakuryuu and Kougyoku....

They all simultaneously stopped and asked concerned....

"Did he do sth to you?"

"Are you really okay?"

"You don't have to push yourself, tell us the truth!"

You were staring at them trying to comprehend what they were talking about.....

When you finally understood they were referring to Judal you got angry....

"What's with everyone!? Why are you thinking so bad of him!? Just so you know he didn't do absolutely anything to me!!!"

They looked at you kinda startled....

"I... I only say what I really wanna say!! HE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING TO ME AND HE ISN'T AS BAD AS YOU THINK!!"

Hakuryuu and Kougyoku remembered how scary you were while angry and Alibaba came to know it too....

"Ah.... S... sorry..... we might have been a bit rash....." (Alibaba hesitating a bit)

"W... we were a bit shocked you said all those is all...." (Hakuryuu)

"....we thought he had made you say all those, so...." (Kougyoku)

You looked at them....

"Actually.... I.................. "

To be continued....
Some kinda speciality, cliffhangers! XD Anyway Happy New Year!!  Let's hope 2016 is a good year ^~^
Also I a bit sick so sorry if this chapter sucks or is too small....
Anyway hope you had a good First day of the year and have fun!  ^^

See ya next week~

A Sudden DATE (Judal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now