3- Dream

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"It was all a dream which ended shortly. He was too good to be true..."

The next day I woke up, considering last night to be a dream but it wasn't. He was too good to be true, how gently he caressed me, loved me.

Though we didn't consummate yet, being held protectively by him was a lovely sensation too. How endearingly his hands wrapped around me; the sensation is etched in my soul.

Sitting up slowly, I saw him sitting on the couch in his casual shirt and trouser, one leg resting over the other assertively while reading a book.

My eyes fell upon the tattoo on his hand, pushing my hairs behind, I yawned, blushing faintly while looking at his stern posture.

"Good Morning." I said timidly. He looked over from the pages, returning the smile.

"Morning. Did you sleep well?" He asked, putting the book down and walking over to me. I stared intently into his spellbinding silver orbs.

"Mhm." I nodded as he kissed the top of my head, smiling beautifully and sat beside me, not parting his eyes from me.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" I asked shyly, tugging my hair behind my ear, nervous by his intense eyes upon me.

"How do you expect me to resist, Dear wife?" He asked temptingly, taking a strand of my hair and caressing it.

"Stop it." Giggling, I shook my head and stood up to leave for the bathroom but he held my wrist, indulging in my flushed reactions.

"That's what I can't do," He spoke in a charming tone, not leaving my wrist which made my heart race, smiling sheepishly.

"Come on. I need to freshen up." I pouted, leaving my wrist and running to the bathroom followed by the sound of his husky chuckle at my shyness.

But, I couldn't help it. In his presence, I grow nervous. I lose control over myself, stumble upon my words and actions.

'Oh Lord, What is happening to me?' I thought, leaning against the door of the bathroom, resting my hand over my chest to regain my senses and posture.

But soon a smile reached my thick lips, A tear pricked in the corner as I grinned, staring at my hands in my disbelief asking myself one question.

'Is this what love is?'

Before I knew it, A few days passed, and in these times Sebastian showered me with immense love and affection that I felt on cloud-nine.

"I have to go to work tomorrow, Eileen. I have a busy schedule for a few months. After I will be done with it, we can plan our honeymoon, okay?" He said sweetly, grabbing my wrist to pull me in his laps.

I was getting ready to leave for a fancy dinner, wearing a white knee-length dress. I was getting ready but this man was in another mood.

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around his neck, "Okay, I understand. You don't have to pull me down for that." I giggled, poking his cheek.

"Hey, we are newlyweds. If I won't have affection for you then for whom I will? My Mistress?" He smirked, kissing my cheeks, hugging me firmly in his lull providing an embrace.

"Shut up." I frowned, not liking him talking about having a mistress.

"You know you are the only person who can tell me to shut up and get away with it alive." He murmured, kissing my neck, caressing me gently but it made me smirk and pull away.

"Oh, really? What are you, a Mafia leader?" I laughed, leaning back and teasing him.

"Sounds lovely, I would love to be one." He said proudly, leaning back, taking my hand and stroking it lovingly.

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