63- Notorious, Once Again

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~ Sebastian ~

Anxiously waiting at the café shop, I was about to take an action I never fathomed I would but for the necessary, it had become important.

"Hey." Sofia's voice called me hesitantly, taking a seat. Thankfully for Eileen's sake, she forgave me but was still intimidated by me.

"I need a favor from you, Sofia, badly. Please." I breathed out, coming to the point instantly, not having time to make a chit chat.

"Is everything okay...?" She asked worriedly.

Inhaling, I mentally prepared myself for my request, "Ask Asad to help Eileen so she could forget everything behind and give us a new start. You're the only person he would listen to,"

I knew they were not on favorable terms but I had experienced what one could do for the sake of their exception, the scars on my back have become a proof of it.

Even if her request would mean nothing to her but he would do everything to make it reality.

"What?! Why? N-No, I can't do this. Why would I ask him? I can't."

She panicked, shaking her head in denial. I didn't want this either but sadly, I need his help.

"Look, I know you are on terrible terms with him but it couldn't be as worse as mine and I am terrible at handling emotional matters, Sofia. And the only person who could help Eileen to come out of her emotional distress is him." I explained the situation to her hurriedly.

Handling emotional matters was beyond my reach and the man who was proficient at toying with one's emotion could fix her upheaval.


"Trust me, I didn't want it either but I must. For Eileen, do it for her sake. Do it for Eileen, Sofia, I am asking this for her." I whispered, clenching and unclenching my hands, I was fucking trepid.

I, Sebastian Stellios, the Black Black was trepid.

What do you do to me, woman?

I never thought I would be this desperate for one's acceptance this much.

"Why would I? You don't even love-"

She was about to refuse flat out but sighing loudly, I gave her a simple explanation of my action.

"If I didn't then why do you think I would ask you this?" I asked seriously, staggering her, she didn't think things would develop to this point, judging what happened when I was away.

I broke her heart over the phone and then I...

"Fine, I will tell him." She sighed, agreeing to help me for her friend. I truly didn't want Asad's help but only he could help her to break her restraints.

"Thank you so much. Also, please don't let her or him know about it." I requested, sighing in relief that she would help me.



"Sir, Madam is with Asad at the Ruislip Lido Beach. Your orders?" Sam informed me, my heart clenched but I bore with the feelings.

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, hating my next words, "Do nothing. Leave her be."

"Yes, Sir."

Cutting the call, I shook my head, letting her do whatever she wanted. I didn't want to make hasty actions in the spur of emotions anymore and create more distance than I already did.

Shaking my head, I focused on work for the time being and returned home in the evening where I came to know she wasn't home yet.

Growling, I tried to control myself but since the word 'control' was foreign to me, It was hard to comply with. Extremely hard.

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