56- The Surprise

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The next day, I was in the lounge, staring at my cup of tea, losing my mind. Each time I think I was getting closer to Eileen, I pull us apart badly.

Gritting my teeth, I wanted to call Eileen back but I had no idea what I would say to ease her the anguish I invoked at my outraged statement.

Plus, I broke my phone.

Sighing, I didn't know what to do, I needed to divert my mind and to enhance my tension, Sufiyan came.

"What happened? You seem distressed." He asked casually, taking a seat, using his phone.

"Sufiyan..." I called him with a long sigh.


"Why are you doing this? You know that the lands were separated for our own betterment by Valencia. You stay where you belong." I asked about work, hoping it could help me shift my mind from Eileen.

He smirked, putting his phone away, studying my stoic features.

"Valencia and her world died twenty years ago, Sebastian. This is our era, our time. We are the rulers of the land we own and greed exists in all of us, we all could do anything for our own gain." He shrugged, extending his hand out to display the change which happened.

"Hmm. I guess you are right." I hummed, turning back to my tea, taking a sip of it while his smirk grew wider.

"The only person who has changed is you. You are not who you were. All of us were prepared for your attack, to build your gravestone in this land but look at you. All silent."

He snickered, shaking his head in disappointment at my lack of activity but I couldn't leave Eileen alone with Asad too.

"Why do you all hate me so much?" I asked coldly, putting the cup down and turning to him.

The devilish image I created, the dominance I managed to induce was slipping away. I was losing myself.

"Are you asking why? You deserve all the hatred, man. You had imprisoned Alphonse, you had killed his soul. You had tortured people in the worst way and no fucking reason." Sufiyan growled, reminding me who I was and what I did.

"Worst way? I don't recall them screaming ever." I muttered under my breath.

None of their voices reached me how Ruben and Eileen's did. They were not miserable enough.

"Besides, You guys are not saints too. You are no kind nor our work requires it." I mumbled, reasoning logically but Sufiyan's amusement wiped away.

"But we kill for a reason, we torture for a reason, not because we enjoy it. And most importantly." Leaning forward, he glared at me furiously, clearly resenting me, giving the reason why I deserved all the hatred.

"We don't kill people of our own."

My heart skipped a beat but I maintained my assertive posture, recalling why I was notorious in the first place. I killed people we called our own.

"We don't hurt the ones near our hearts and you never hesitated to break the one you love, Sebastian. You ripped your own Brother's eye out." He hissed, pointing his finger in contempt, throwing me into the shame I never showed.

'I was punished for it, I paid for my actions.' I couldn't tell him.

Sufiyan rose from his seat, looking down at me in disgust. He didn't want to talk to me anymore.

"That is why nobody wanted to work with you. When your hands didn't tremble to hurt your own blood then how will they hesitate before hurting someone else?"

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