48- Thrilled

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"Seeing Sebastian thrilled frightened me but deep down I was relieved that at least he is not what he is to the world with me."

I knew I held power over him to an extent but I had no idea I could use it in my favor to make him do what I want- when he was in a good mood, obviously.

But, it warmed my heart when before everyone, he kept my pride and agreed to ask for forgiveness for his actions without arguing.

He walked away but I smiled feebly and went after him but he held a grimace on his face and it made me smile, glancing at him when we entered the dining hall.

"By the way, are you still here, mate?" Ruben asked, entering with Asad as well, still astonished how I managed to do it- I was too.

"What do you mean?" Sebastian asked, taking a seat, not removing his frown from my face but I pretended I didn't see it.

"Nathaniel surrendered. If they execute him, you would become the number one ace." Asad told him playfully, resting his elbows over the headrest of the chair, smirking darkly.

My smile faded, stopped for a hot second when they mentioned Plague Doctor. Sebastian didn't display much which made me forget his profession sometimes and then I remembered it.

If anything happened to him... Sebastian would come on top.

The biggest criminal of the underworld...

This thought alone made my heart stop. I wonder how many crimes and sins Sebastian had committed to reach that level.

"I doubt it, not the first time Nathaniel is outwitting death. No one could beat his mind. There must be something deeper. Besides, I already know to whom he would give the throne and his everything to." Sebastian replied nonchalantly, finally looking up at Asad.

'Throne? I thought there wasn't any king. Weren't they working individually?'

"Well, you can't predict what Nathaniel would do but I doubt you would work for her." Ruben asked casually, taking a seat in a well which brought a sour expression on his face.

His jaw clenched, growling, "I would rather die than work under her as if she could take her mother-in-law's place. Valencia was flawless, no person in this world could replace her. She was a perfect leader."

I shot up my head, taken aback at the series of compliments Sebastian gave and I had never heard Sebastian complimenting anyone. He called me exquisite too but nothing more but for her, I could see deep admiration in his eyes.

Was she his... ideal?

"Hmm, true. But she died terribly too." Asad mumbled, shrugging his shoulders, sitting down as well and now I wanted to know about this woman Sebastian was admiring sincerely.

"What happened to her?" I asked, glancing at Asad to know more. He smirked, turning back to me.

"Interested? Her family was massacred. Everyone in her family died except for her son Nathaniel. Her four years old daughter was shot right before eight years old Nathaniel's eyes." He told me casually wiping my intrigues instantly. My heart skipped a beat, realizing the risk this dangerous life brings along.

'That was when I realized if I didn't notice it didn't mean I am safe. Death was over my head too but Sebastian had protected me.'

"His other sister survived too. She is living away from all this with her husband, Prince used to work under Nathaniel." Sebastian mumbled, eating his breakfast, disinterested.

"Leave her. Tell me, Are you going to attend the execution? Zaviyaar and others are coming too." Ruben called, gaining Sebastian's attention who smirked devilishly, that vicious smirk I saw when he killed Rick before my eyes.

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