54- Not A Tale Of Yesterday

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~ Eileen ~

"Believe it or not but you are insensitive, Asad. You still irk me now by your nonchalance."

After Sebastian left, I was thinking of going back home but I was waiting for his call. I wanted to see how he would react after knowing I hadn't left but he was not attending my call.

Disappointed at his lack of attention, a frown was plastered on my face while I was about to leave for my home.

Noticing my furious look, Asad asked because he was the one who loves meddling in matters, "What happened?"

"Sebastian is not attending my calls. In fact, his phone has switched off now." I sighed, it was perturbing me at this point. He said he would wait for my call but is it becoming hard for him to attend my call too?

"I doubt he would have time, all of them had gathered in one place, he would be indulging in the danger." He shrugged nonchalantly, not paying much attention to it.

Narrowing my eyes, I folded my arm, "Why are you there? Aren't you interested in going there too?"

"Death is already chasing my younger Brother. Not gonna fuel his fury further by going there and spilling something I shouldn't." His impassive tone came, arching a brow in amusement.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused. His Brother is Zaviyaar Sheikh, who could hurt him?

"My younger brother, Erhan, married Sufiyan Eitzaz's woman. Oh boy, he is infuriated. Won't be long until his Janaza." He chuckled, shaking his head.

Not only mine but his Brother's life was a source of enlivenment for him, pissing me off further.


"Funeral Prayer." He smirked, leaned back relaxed as if it didn't matter, irking me now.

"You seem unaffected." I scoffed, folding my arms, narrowing my eyes in ire at him.

"I warned him, he didn't listen- his fault." He responded calmly, rising from his seat with his hands in his pocket but then a teasing smirk reached his lips.

"Did it increase your resentment for me?" He asked in a mocking tone.

"I.. don't hate you." I mumbled, turning my head away to ignore his words. In fact, I was angry at myself for stopping and responding to him in the first place.

"You do, it's clear in your eyes. Ah, why do you and your husband hate me so much?" He laughed a little, amused at the level of being unfavored he gained yet remained monotonous about it.

"You just irritate me by considering all of it a joke, a drama." I told him impassively, trying not to display fury.

At my reply, he chuckled, taking a step closer, a devious smirk coming to his lips as he spoke an undeniable truth.

"Isn't all our lives are to someone? To some my life would be the same as yours too. Everyone's life is a drama to someone else." He whispered, leaning closer to my face but I instinctively took a step back, averting my gaze from his muscular form.

"My life is not your entertainment." I mumbled, moving away from him as his amusement faded, straightening his back.

"I never said it, Eileen." Hearing my name from him sounded weird but he was dead serious which made my heart skip a beat to ponder if I triggered him.

"I am your lawyer at the moment, I observe the events, all the things happening in your life. Though you will make the final decision in the end." He explained the real reason for his interest in my life which I totally forgot about. I honestly didn't think of it from that perspective.

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