41- Consequences

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"He proved that day that my life was caged. That he would break any limits only to chain me in his domain."

I was pacing around my room. It was the third day, I was supposed to be at home and I didn't want to enrage Sebastian but my parents had sworn to do it.

They were not ready to listen, I had been living with Sebastian. I knew what he could do and they were only causing me trouble.

"You shouldn't have done it... You are only making things harsh. Please let me go back, Mama." My cracked voice came, pacing around the room out of distress. Sebastian must be waiting. I have to return.

"How could we let you go after knowing everything, Eileen? Lord, knows what he has done to you to make you this way." Mama sighed, refusing to listen to me. They were ready to do anything to help their daughter but if it was possible, I would have tried too.

"He said he wanted me home in two days, if I won't return now, I don't want to think what he will do. I have already infuriated him on many occasions now." I doubt he would show mercy this time.

On our honeymoon, he went all out and my body was sore for hours. Then my mental breakdown, then I enraged him by not acting properly at the party.

He won't hesitate this time. I could feel it.

"Is he gonna hit you?" Mama asked, narrowing her eyes but trembling, I shook my head in denial. I was mentally disturbed. This man had ruined my life. Peace had become non-existent for me.

"No. He won't hit me... he would terrorize me. Intimidate me, treat me roughly." I told her honestly and I was amazed how he hasn't hit me because of my course of actions.

"I am sorry, I am so sorry, my love. I had no idea he would turn out to be like this. We are so sorry." Mama's voice broke, holding me, embracing me tightly but all on my mind was his wrath.

"It was not your fault, Mama. We trusted his frontage too much." I whispered, holding her, closing my eyes to feel her warmth. Deep inside I was pointlessly praying to be saved from him.

Our embrace couldn't last long, my phone rang and it was Sebastian. With a hitched breath, I pulled away from her. My heart began to thump abnormally.

"Sebastian is calling... Must be to bring me back." I said vaguely, moving back, unsure what to do.

"You are not going to attend his call, give me that phone." Mama enunciated, taking my phone away and declining his call.

"Mama, no-" I gasped, realizing I shouldn't have told them about it. They did not understand the fatality of the situation. They didn't realize what Sebastian could do.

"Your Father has called a cop too to stay with us and help you." My eyes widened when she said it, taking a step back.

"Why don't you get it?! He is Black Death! No one can graze his skin. He is invincible!." I yelled, a tear pricking in my eyes.

They were not wrong in their place. They were thinking of helping their daughter and I could feel the deadly outcome awaiting me by their action of love.

"What did he do to you?" Mother whispered, feeling pity for me but I was unable to eradicate his fright from my heart.

"He had killed two people because of me. Rick and that inn owner and I don't want you guys to be one of them so please just stop."

My voice broke, joining my hands before her to stop this and let me go back before Sebastian ended up doing something we would regret.

"Eileen-" Mama called trying to make me listen but I furiously came out of the room. They were being emotional. I didn't want to go back either but did I have another option?

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