Last- Her Fairytale

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~ Sebastian ~

It was Sunday and a whole week since I left Eileen at her parents place. This week was tormenting to spend without her, especially not having time to tell her how exhilarated and grateful I am but this was my chance.

Nothing could go wrong nor I will let it.

Getting ready, upon Milady's demand, I wore a maroon suit jacket with a white shirt in matching with her gown. I wore nothing black.

She brought colors to my closet ,how she brought colors to my life.

With an uncontrollable smile, I bought a bouquet of roses and went to see Eileen, dressed gracefully in the maroon dress, shining with her charms, increasing my heartbeats.

"Hey." Waving sweetly, she came closer, wrapping her hands around my neck.

"For you," Using my smoothest voice, I gave her the bouquet.

"Thank you." She smiled while taking it, closing our gap, "You look devilishly handsome, you know?" Winking, her eyes scanned my body from top to bottom, stopping at my eyes.

Smirking back, I grabbed her waist, pressing her closer to mine so I could indulge in our closeness.

"What is my merest look before the ruler of my heart?" Whispering seductively, I held her chin and was about to lean down to capture her lips with mine.

I couldn't control myself to not do that but the sound of a clearing throat came.

"I know you are excited, Eileen but I believe someone said he could steal you away from me." Mr Lior called, gaining our attention.

Laughing a little, I pulled away from Eileen a little.

"Yeah, tell me how are you going to do it?" Eileen teased, poking me with her elbow.

"I don't need to steal you now."

Clearing my throat, I bowed, placing my hand over my heart gallantly, extending my other hand towards Eileen.

"I believe you have my most beautiful and precious possession, Mr Lior. I am here to take her back. Could you please return her?"

I used my most charming tone, looking up at Eileen grinning beautifully at me, gleeful to find her at my peak of desire and need. As my reason to exist, being my exception.

"What do you say, Eileen?" Mr Lior shrugged his shoulders as all of us turned to Eileen.

"Let's go home, Fairy." Whispering, nothing cheesy came to my mind and I said the first words which came from the bottom of my heart.

"Sure." Giggling, she took my hand, waving goodbye to her parents as we left for home.

"Ah, we look so good together. I knew maroon would look good on both of us." She giggled because she was the one who picked our outfits but she knew nothing else.

"You look beautiful in everything." I complimented, glancing at her from time to time.

"You said it, I believe it." She smirked, holding her head. We both looked at each other for a second and broke into a chuckle as we reached our destination.

Our home where it all started and was going to end.

"Sebastian...?" Her mouth gaped when we entered the castle of her dreams.

Getting off immediately, she saw the house was lit with lightning, decorated delicately according to her liking to welcome my Queen back to her domain.

Coming from behind, I hugged her, kissing her neck lovingly, "Happy late anniversary, my love."

Placing my palm under her hand I move it forward, toward our home, "Welcome to your fairytale, Eileen." Whispering temptingly, I rested my head against her.

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