73- Fairy

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Keeping Nathaniel's competition, I became the Ace at twenty five too but it didn't change a thing- it was only a title, the work was the same.

I had everything except voices.

Years passed, I lost myself, I closed myself entirely in a box over time. All I needed was blood, screams for solace.

I wanted no drugs, no woman, no relationship, nothing but torture.

I thought I would remain like this forever- I was wrong.

When I turned thirty one I met a fairy one day who was going to open the chest I locked and buried.

I was building another branch office for our surface work and whose company took the contract to build it? Of course, her father's.

"Hmm, how long will it be finished?" I asked Dave, surveying the construction site which was being built pretty fast.

"In three months, Boss." He informed me.

'"Good-" I hummed, scanning the place but during the watch, I felt a dare devil tried to pickpocket me. Smirking, I grabbed the arm of whoever did this and twisted it back.

The thief turned out to be a ten year old kid but since I ripped my emotions, I threw him on the ground, holding his arms, "Watch your actions, Kid."

Warning amusingly, I leaned closer to his ears, "It's dangerous to come near a monster."

Ah, the terror he showed was aesthetically pleasing.

"No, Sir, please, I am so sorry-"

He was horrified, tears brimming in his eyes, shaking his head in denial and I smirked, it was melodious to hear his misery.

But, that fairy decided to break my beautiful rhythm.

"What are you doing to that kid, Sir? Leave him!"

I frowned when someone dared to stop me from doing whatever the fuck I want. Displeased at the call, I let him go and got up.

Rushing closer, the hazel eyed woman hugged the kid which wiped my discontent for a brief second.

I thought I burned those memories yet how I hugged my mother like that flashed before my eyes which stilled me.

"Kid, why did you do that?" She asked the frightened kid, hugging him, helping him to calm down.

"I am so sorry, but I need money for my sister." He sobbed, hiding his face, afraid of me.

"Don't worry, it's going to be alright. Sofia, can you take him? I will be there in a second." She flashed a smile.

She was a liar like my mother. She said the same- nothing became alright. It was a fake consolation.

The girl Sofia came and took the kid and she finally turned her attention to me, bowing a little out of respect.

"I am so sorry for what happened, Sir..." She apologized sincerely, waiting to take my name.

Clearing my throat, I rolled my eyes off, "Sebastian. Sebastian Stellios."

Gasping, she took a step back. A clearly dramatic reaction which made me raise my eyebrow.

"Oh my God, you are Sebastian Stellios? I am so sorry I have no idea! I am Eileen Lior." She bowed again, apologizing loudly, more deeply. She was clearly disquiet.

But, I got that fairy's name.

"Mr Lior's daughter?" I asked, now noticing she did resemble her Father.

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