81- Embrace My Protector

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After Nathaniel left, we went to our room. Most of his talks went over Eileen's head but honestly she was surprised that I took his help to keep me alive too.

Giving her another proof of my love. She cannot imagine what I could do for her.

We were in our room, Eileen came behind me and hugged me, feeling so small compared to me.

"You seem better. Are you okay now?" Her soft voice came, glancing from the side to catch a glimpse of my face.

"Hmm. I have finally caught the culprit." Humming, I nodded, turning to her and getting on the bed.

"Really? Who is it?" She asked hastily.

With a serious face, I told her, "Dave."

I told Eileen everything, how his jealousy led us here, the anguish which took away my own brother from me. I could never forget that pain or my remorse.

"I couldn't believe he did this to us. You trusted him so deeply and that dog took advantage of you. I am so disgusted with him. How could he do this?" She growled, utterly repulsed like me to hear everything.

"Don't worry, I will give him the worst outcome." I growled, curling my hands in fist.

Growling back, she nodded, not trying to stop me too, "I want to do it too. He deserves it. What faults did our Ruben have?"

"I will."

Nodding, I gathered all my courage, knowing if I want to protect my family then I must remain the way I am now.

With a silence we both laid down to sleep, she took my arm and rested it under her head and turned to me, holding my shirt.

"Sebastian..." Her concerned resonance came.


"Now that you have found his killer. You can rest now." Whispering, she brought her hand upward, making my look at her worried face.

"Not yet."

"I am so worried about you. Ever since Ruben died, you haven't shed a single tear. I know you want to." She continued, cupping my cheek, pitying my state.

She was well aware of the pain I was carrying in my chest but I wanted to burn.

Sighing, I pulled her closer, embracing her to gain energy to move forward for now, "I need your embrace just as much. Stay in my arms to give me strength to continue."

She opened her mouth to argue but stopped and agreed, holding me firmly to give me a temporary equanimity before I lost my heart to agony.

And the following day, not caring about anything in my life, I tied Dave to that very room where I lost my sanity. The room where I first screamed and couldn't stop it afterwards anymore.

The room where it all started.

He was tied, it was a while since I personally tortured someone myself but I wanted to give him the worst outcome.

"Boss, Plague Doctor is here." Jacob informed me, not bothering to look at his brother. He knew he was here for his own faults.

"He hadn't left yet?" I asked, narrowing my eyes.

"No. Amanda is dying to witness how you are going to do it." Nathaniel came with Amanda, constantly glaring at her for causing him the trouble to be here.

"No. I want to do it alone." I demanded.

"Boss, please." She whispered to Nathaniel.

"That will compensate for your fee. Still not?" He ordered, sighing, pinching the bridge of his nose.

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