84- Mending Bonds

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The following Sunday, it was his day off. Our lives were coming back to the normal track.

We were at the hospital after doing the pregnancy test, at the doctor's office and upon seeing Sebastian's grin, I couldn't help but to chuckle.

"Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Stellios, the reports are positive. You guys are going to be parents." She informed us and Sebastian gasped, kissing my hand, grinning so widely and arrestingly that I got stunned.

Exhilarated, we both grinned, holding hands to imagine starting a family together, taking our happily ever after to a whole new level of delight.

"I love you so much, Eileen. Thank you so much for entering my life." Whispering, he rested my hand on his cheek, laughing feebly to perceive he was going to be a Father.

The doctor also laughed, seeing us happy.

"How can I not? My Prince Charming came to me after all." Humming, I gave his hand a tight squeeze.

After taking the prescriptions, we were coming back.

"Sebastian. Let's go to your parents place first. Mrs Stellios' state is becoming weaker, let's hope hearing this would cheer her up." I suggested. She was ravaged, I believe only this news could give her new hope and happiness.

"Yeah, you are right." He nodded, a smile not leaving his lips.

"Ah, keep smiling, you look gorgeous like that." Laughing, I pinched his cheek, loving the grin on his lips.

"How can I not?" He mumbled, his joy was gleaming in his eyes as we went to his parents place first.

We were about to enter her room but I stopped Sebastian, "And please... hug her."

"I will. I won't repeat my mistake." He nodded, kissing my hands as we entered her room. She was laying down, holding the sheets sorrowfully.

We came happily and sat on either side of her.

"Hey, Mrs Stellios, how are you?" I asked sweetly, sitting beside her.

"Mother, how long are you going to stay here? Get up." Sebastian sighed, taking her hand, inspecting it and released a loud sigh.

"Look at you, you are becoming weaker day by day." He released a 'tch, tch, tch,' sound.

Upon noticing his delighted tone, both Mr and Mrs Stellios looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and sheet confusion. Wondering what could cause him to be this ecstatic.

"Exactly. If you are going to be this weak, Mrs Stellios, then how are you going to hold your grandchild?" I hummed, nodding in agreement, folding my arms.

Blinking, they both turned to me, thinking they heard me wrong, "What...?"

"Yes. We are going to have a little one at home. Can you imagine? I am going to be a Father!" Sebastian beamed, holding his Mother's hands, grinning for the first time after a painfully long time before them.

When they saw Sebastian's happiness, they found their reason to gather themselves and move forward.

"Really..?" Mr Stellios asked, Sebastian nodded with a grin.

"Oh my, Oh my God..." Murmuring, Mrs Stellios held her heart by the thought of having a child at home after I guess an extremely long time.

"So, you better make some health." Sebastian whispered, wrapping his arms around her, helping her to sit as he hugged her slowly. Rubbing her back to help her relax, embracing her which stunned her.

"This has passed, Mother. Your condition would only hurt Ruben." He whispered, kissing her forehead, flashing such a heartwarming smile that I wanted to kiss him so badly to look this adorable.

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