27- Heated Argument

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~ Eileen ~

"I was frightened of his reaction and he found out."

I was with Mrs Stellios, thankfully going as far as I could be from Sebastian. We were in the lounge and I felt relieved when he was no longer in sight.

"Are you okay, Eileen?" Mrs Stellios asked softly.

"Somehow." I trailed off, not knowing how I managed to survive with my demeanor in the first place, by doing everything he doesn't like.

"I came to know you tried to run, did he do something?" Mr Stellios asked, taking a seat as well, enhancing my heartbeats by his question.

"Something like?" I asked, trying to get an idea what he could possibly do in the future if he hadn't done it yet.

"Like hurting you, hitting you or worse torturing you?" He asked sternly. My heart skipped a beat, my eyes widened to think of the possibilities of what could happen.

"Or like killing anyone you love? Forcing you to do it?" He continued, asking what possible this demon could do but I only froze in fear.

My eyes popped in dismal, holding my dress, trembling to fathom.

"Albert, you are scaring the child. Stop." Mrs Stellios scolded him, poking his shoulder to stop giving me these terrible examples of his fiendish nature.

"But, There has to be something in one of them, what was it?" He shrugged, turning to me, slightly worried after my tensed reaction.

"None of it..." I managed to speak hesitantly, tightening my grip around my dress which staggered them.

"I.. didn't even know he could go.. This far... He didn't threaten me like this.. This time..." He used to threaten me to kill my parents in the beginning but stopped after knowing I am powerless.

But he didn't do anything of the malevolent options Mr Stellios gave thankfully and then again, if he hadn't done it with me then definitely with all those people who tried to run and if I infuriate him further, I might face the same consequences.

This thought alone scared me but he called me his exception at least.

"What? Really?" They both blinked in confusion, not expecting this.

"Yeah..." I trailed off, averting my gaze, biting the inside of my cheek.

"Are you sure, Dear?" Mrs Stellios asked and now I am not. Mama, Papa, Sofia, they all are fine and somehow I am too.

"So he did nothing?" Mr Stellios asked, arching a brow but I nodded timidly, I don't feel comfortable telling them now. Just a one time rough sex now sounds better than being tortured.

"He let it off as a warning... I guess..." I trailed off, lost in my unwanted thoughts. They were perplexed, clearly at how this monster could let me off but right now, I was too.

Maybe because I am his precious prey? I don't know.

As I was lost in my thoughts, leaving them in a state of daze which was broken when a dangerous resonance came, sucking my life out of me.

"Eileen!" By Sebastian's growl, My body froze. He was clearly infuriated. My body became numb when he yelled, stiffening my bones.

"I fucking warned you, didn't I!?" Snarling, Sebastian came, grabbing my arms, forcing me to stare back in his fatal ones, fuming with rage.

"W-What did I do?" Barely stammering, I began to lose my breath at his fury, startled immensely.

"You think you could hide those damn pills and I wouldn't find out, huh?" Hissing, he grabbed my jaws, utterly enraged at me.

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