10- Disgust

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"How beautiful his touch felt for the first time and now, it only disgusts me."

With my back against the bed frame, ignoring the pain in my foot which began to bleed again, I remained motionless.

I embraced my exposed body, covering it with the sheets and sobbing. Tears rolling down, crying as he was wearing his clothes and I was quivering in apprehension.

"Stop crying." He ordered strictly, only in his trouser, frowning at my sound of cries.

"I hate you." I hissed, wrapping my hands around my knees firmly to refrain his licentious eyes to follow before he devoured me to the bone.

"You should, I want you to." With a heartless response, he wore his shirt as well, turning away.

For a second, everything stopped when his back faced me. My bodily functions shut down as well too but this lull-providing second couldn't last longer than a mere heartbeat and he glanced over his shoulder.

When my frightened orbs linked with his mischievous ones, I knew he would do something to shatter me more than he already did.

"You noticed the difference, Eileen? I did exactly what I did when we consummated our bond but it feels entirely different, isn't it?" He began to say in a raspy tone.

I wanted to neglect it but they were true. How things stumbled was beyond my comprehension. Everything slipped before I could grasp tiny remains of affection he showed.

With a tear of defeat, my voice was stuck in my throat as he approached me like a predator, wallowing in my condition.

A hunter toying with his prey.

"I was just as gentle yet..." Speaking temptingly, he placed his hands on the frame, curling his lips sinfully from one side.

"Look at you, sobbing, sorrowful, disheartened.... Tch, tch, tch." Faking compassion for what he enjoys, he caressed the side of my face.

How perfectly he shows endearment that one cannot perceive him for a devil. How proficient he masks his cruel nature with charm was unbelievable.

"What are you trying to prove huh? That you own me physically too?" I growled, slapping his hand away. Not wanting to be touched by his disgusting hands anymore.

The glare he sent in my direction for my audacity stiffed my bones, warning that I shouldn't have done it but thankfully he showed a hint of leniency and let it slide.

"No. I wanted to show you that emotions play an extremely important role." He said sternly, assertiveness freezing my soul to be locked away in his darkness forever. The atrocity of his eyes destroyed me.

"Observe, all actions were the same but it feels disgusting because of your perception." He whispered in my ears, deliberately holding the sheet. One pull away to reveal my body.

I shivered when his hand held mine over the sheet, smirking at my tensed body.

"I haven't seen your true face back then. I didn't know who you were." I barely managed to speak without stuttering, pressing the sheet harder against my chest.

"Notice how emotions control your feelings towards an action?" He hummed.

Leaving my hand fortunately but it was a matter of seconds when my body trembled violently when his fingers traced over the marks he imprinted on my fragile soul.

"And I cannot control mine. All of mine are visible on my face. That is why you married me, right? To enjoy my misery..." I growled, tears blurring my vision.

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