12- Empty Words

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"I don't know whose empty words to trust anymore."

I got ready, dressing up well as instructed by the devil himself. Doing everything accordingly to not displease him and give him further reasons to display fury.

We had breakfast, he stayed for a while, waiting for his parents to come and greet their daughter-in-law which is not favorable for me.

But I was vexed, if he is like this then how terrible his parents could be? Definitely he takes upon someone... right? Can't be the only ruthless one here, right?

Or maybe this is a consolation to myself that if all of them would be the same then I would know I have to adapt this way to survive and escape.

But, if they were not, if he is the only devil here then I am doomed for eternity.

Shivering at my thought, I shook my head to get out from my world of miserable cognition.

"What?" Sebastian called, noticing the dread on my face.

"I didn't do anything this time." He said, perplexed at my reaction.

"Your parents..." I whispered, lowering my gaze timidly.

"Don't vex. They are definitely not like me. I have told you, they are coming to console my prey." My prey... no wife, nothing but prey.

He smirked but it enhanced my apprehension. He is the only one. I can't escape.

We remained like this. Each second felt devilishly long in his assertive presence, sitting dominantly with one leg over the other, using his phone.

Time was passing so slowly, I couldn't think, I couldn't move but thankfully, his parents came.

They didn't look dangerous like him, they looked sweet but mostly worried.

Sebastian and I got up as his large fingers locked my waist perfectly, making me shiver slightly especially when my head was just a little above from his shoulder.

His tall height enhanced my dread.

"Eileen, She is my mother, Melissa and my father, Albert." He greeted nonchalantly with disinterest, clearing his throat.

"H-Hello." I stuttered, forcing out a smile as they greeted me back. Tensed at his hand holding me.

"How are you, Dear?" Mr Stellios said sweetly.

"Fine." I replied timidly.

"My, you are so pretty." Mrs Stellios said now, holding my arm and pulling me towards her and why do I think she did it because she noticed my unsettling?

I could see Sebastian frowning at her action, meaning she knew what I felt.

She smiled, cupping my cheeks, ignoring him, "You're lovely."

"T-Thank you." I stuttered, glancing at Sebastian who was clearly displeased but before he could do anything, Mr Stellios patted Sebastian's back.

"Let's go to work. Let the ladies enjoy." He said, dragging him out from his dome of fury and taking him along as they both left for work leaving us alone.

I remained motionless, trying to register but then Mrs Stellios spoke up with a sigh, leaving me and going to check the main entrance.

"Is he gone? Finally..." She sighed in relief, holding her forehead.

"Mrs Stellios?" I asked in perplexity but she took my hand and dragged me with her.

"Don't trust a single servant here. They are all his puppets. Don't talk to them." She warned me seriously but living here I understood this much. They live upon his orders.

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