80- Open Book

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Leaving all the work to De Villiers, Nathaniel took me and Jacob with him. Despite the fact his brother was injured and was going to die badly by me.

"You okay? He is your brother, after all." Nathaniel asked, noticing his lost expression.

"He was my brother." He scoffed.

"Hmm. Impressive." Nathaniel praised his loyalty and walked away.

I took him to my office, not my hideout. He hid his plague doctor mask before it created havoc. They would panic to find him here. I let Jacob go and cool his mind as we were alone at my lavishing workplace.

Sighing, I leaned against the table, rubbing my temples as he sat on the couch, resting his one leg over the other, contemplating my emotions.

"He is all yours now. You can deal with him later however you want. I have fulfilled my duty as your protector." His stern voice came.

I just hummed, rubbing my temples, unsure how to feel after avenging his breath because no matter what I do. Nothing could bring the one I lost back to life.

I did the least I could do for him but only if I had... hugged him.

After noticing the anguish on my features, Nathaniel sighed and put his leg down. Not sounding too sympathetic.

"Look, I understand how you feel. Losing a loved one was always hard." He said impassively and I couldn't argue with him.

The man before me lost his family before his very eyes at a young age. He understands my agony deeply.

Removing my hand, I turned to him. He was smiling emptily, no sign of pity or dejection for what he lost by witnessing my state. He was deadly calm.

Uncomfortable by his dry smile, I asked vaguely, "After your family... have you ever lost someone dearest to you again?"

He lowered his gaze and nodded slowly, "I once adopted a girl. Alice. My own man killed her like yours did... Could have lived a life but..."

I had no idea about that but I faintly remember, he forgot about her when he lost his memories.

"But, that's what life is. You lose people you love."

He laughed a little, almost repulsed with life and its strange way but the lifelessness in his eyes was clear.

I agree with his words. It is what it is.

"Thank you." Leaning against the table, I said with a heavy heart.

"Never fathomed I would hear it from you." He smirked, mocking me.

"Nor did I." I scoffed.

He got up to leave but stopped as a curiosity crept upon his face.

"Anyways, may have I honor to meet the woman who brought you to your knees? I am intrigued."

I knew it was the most unpredictable turn of my life because I was on the verge of losing all bonds, even myself but now... I had gained a new life.

"Sometimes, I am too." I hummed, trying not to smile at the mention of my beloved. But, the fact will remain-

'My life found its meaning when she touched me.'

"Honestly, I expected you to cause bloodshed on my execution but you just came and left. Why was that? That was so unlikely of you." He asked, furrowing his eyebrows, his green eyes filled with pure intrigue to know how this all happened.

"Why don't you ask her?" I smirked, shrugging my shoulders.

"Fair enough."

Never in my entire life I thought I would have Nathaniel over my place but since he was underground and dead for the world, he could do anything he wants now.

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