75- Midnight Gossip

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~ Eileen ~

I feel fortunate that of all people, he chose me to share his emotions with. He told me what he never told anyone, he emptied his heart with her.

After sharing the heartily talks, we both went to sleep or at least I thought so. Before I could fall asleep his hand began to poke my cheek.

"Eileen. Eileen. Eileen." He called me in a chirpy tone.

Groaning, I slapped his hand back, "What?"

"Are you awake?" He whispered in my ears, placing all his weight from my side, pushing me down.

"I am. Now that you have awakened me." I sighed, glancing from my shoulder to see what took over this man in the middle of the night.

"Are you hungry? I am starving." He asked, sitting up and pulling my arm as well to force me to sit.

"Then go and heat up dinner. Not that hard." I sighed, yanking my hand back so I could fall on the bed again but he held my wrist.

"Come along." He demanded, pulling my wrist.

Yawning, I opened my eyes properly to look at him. I stared at him for a few seconds and could feel my stomach growling as well.

"Now you said it. I am hungry as well. Give me a minute." Sighing, I got up as well, feeling hungry too.

We went down, I heated up the leftovers and we were in the kitchen, sitting on the counters, eating our food.

He was smiling while eating and seeing his smile became the source of my solace, it exhilarated me to find him light-hearted.

Out of his abysmal shell. I want to stare at him forever.

"You know, seeing you smile tranquilizes my heart. I always imagined how you would look with a pure smile; you look absolutely beautiful." I whispered sincerely, indulging in his reflexes, attracting my heart more than they ever could.

"It feels so beautiful. My life has found a new meaning, I am revived, thanks to you." He grinned, taking a bite to which I laughed a little.

My gaze refused to part from his compelling one until another voice joined us.


Turning our heads, we saw Ruben there, looking away.

"Can I have something too?" He muttered, trying to act angry and uninterested.

"Sure. Take a seat." I smiled, getting down from the counter, motioning to him to sit down as I heated his food as well and gave it to him.

He didn't speak anything so I sat next to Sebastian who was not looking up from his food. Pushing him from my elbow, I glared at him to talk to his brother.

Shrugging, Sebastian didn't know what to say. Gesturing with my eyes, I forced him to talk with Ruben. Ask for his little brother.

One could definitely tell Ruben was dejected, he was looking down, not noticing us either.

Clearing his throat, Sebastian gained his attention, asking vaguely, "You... okay?"

Blinking, he looked up finally, "Huh? Yeah..."

And all Ruben needed was someone to ask him how he was feeling. Considering it his chance, he put the plate away, exhaling loudly, sharing his feelings.

"I felt jealous whenever I saw Asad with Zaviyaar or Erhan. It made me burn that I didn't have this kind of bond with my Brother."

Gritting his teeth, he curled his hands in a fist, voice breaking, "I just wanted you to love me like a normal Brother."

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