76- A Mesmerizing Date

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~ Sebastian ~

'Her love became my blessing. She revived me. My last cure, my deepest desire.'

Ever since Eileen entered my life, my life got back on track. Things became beautiful. I found a new meaning to live. She bestowed me with life.

It was Sunday, we were getting ready for our date. I took a shower and came out in my jeans only to find my beautiful wife leering at me.

"What? This is not the first time you are seeing me without a shirt."

Raising my eyebrow at her reaction in amusement, I grabbed my shirt to wear it but she held it first.

"You have no idea how desirable you are." She smirked temptingly, bringing her fingers close to trace them over my bare chest.

"And all mine."

Winking, she traced her finger over my chest making me chuckle.

"All yours." Pecking her head, I took the shirt and wore it before sitting next to her, staring at her with my purest emotions.

"I'm bad at expressing but I wish you could look into my heart and witness what I could never place into words. You mean the world to me, my deepest, darkest, strongest, desire."

Taking her hand, I kissed the back of her palm, finding my ethereal treasures scattered in her laps. When my eyes fall upon hers, I find all the reasons to live there.

"Okay, Okay, leave some compliments when I will get ready." Laughing a little when I went a little overboard with my praise, she got up, taking her dress to get ready to leave.

"All of my compliments are for you and in fact, why would I give you one?" Shrugging my shoulders, I smirked, gaining her attention at my statement.

Grabbed her wrist, my voice deepened, going affectionate.

"Isn't the way I look at you enough to know how deeply and madly I am in love with you?"

Her eyes widened as a visible blush rose to her cheeks. Her delight brimmed on her face, my words made her exhilarated.

"You know what, Sebastian? When you say you love me, I found my world in your words." Whispering, she kissed my hands.

I merely released a chuckle as she had no idea what words and emotions were stacked in my soul and I doubt I could express them into words or actions but I will try my best.

For the sake of the life she always imagined to have.

"You should get ready now." Whispering, I kissed her hand as well before leaving it.

Grinning, she left and got ready. In my opinion, whatever she wears, they look as if they were made for her.

She was getting ready as I snuck behind her and held her midsection.

"I am so glad I stole a fairy as yourself from this world." Murmuring, my lips latched with her neck, kissing it tenderly.

"Which do you like more? Your angel or your fairy?" She giggled, she gave me her earrings. Smiling, I took it and secured it.

"You are both my angel and my fairy." Humming, I helped her to wear her earrings and bangles.

"Choose one."

"I don't know."

"Okay. Let's go then." Not thinking much about it, she shrugged as we turned to leave but I held her, "But, before we leave,"


Moving to the side table, I took out the rose which I promised to give her and tugged it behind her ear, scanning her features to wonder my fate which brought us together.

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